2019 Mid-Atlantic Summer Bible Conf. Report (7/18-21, 2019)

“Transformed! Experience the Life-Changing Power of Jesus” was the theme of the 2019 Mid-Atlantic region summer Bible conference (July 18-21), held at James Madison University in Virginia. A total of 256 (including children) from 16 UBF chapters attended the conference, traveling from Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Maryland, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and Virginia. Praise God that coworkers from Chapel Hill (Stephen Seo’s family with Greg Grissom), newly joined coworkers from Raleigh (Stephen Yang’s family) and Atlanta (Peter Jeon’s family and Samuel Chae’s family) and several Bible students (Lindsay, Shane and Hannah) and coworkers from Tampa, were able to join the SBC.  It is their constant prayer to become a community that supports one another through the word of God, prayer, and friendship.

The presence of the Holy Spirit moved the attendant's hearts as they studied the Bible and listened to powerful messages, life testimonies, and world mission reports. By the end, everyone was inspired to live a life of faith and mission as transformed children of God by the power and grace of Jesus. Each of the messages revealed how God transformed a sinner into a man or woman of faith:

  • Opening: I WILL GIVE YOU A NEW HEART! (Ezekiel 36:24-28) by Stephen Gan (Lehigh)
  • Morning Devotion (men): WE WILL SERVE THE LORD (Joshua 24:1-33) by Nate Turnock (Philadelphia)
  • Main message 1: BORN OF THE SPIRIT (John 3:1-21) by Augustine Park (Washington)
  • Evening Message: JESUS CHANGES A POSSESSED MAN (Mark 5:1-20) by Andrew Dellinger (Raleigh)
  • Morning Devotion (women): A BEAUTIFUL THING (Mark 14:1-11) by Emerald Brooks (Washington)
  • Main message 2: FATHER, FORGIVE THEM! (Luke 23:26-56) by Tunde Adebola (Washington)
  • Evening Message: FROM A PERSECUTOR TO A WITNESS (Acts 26:1-32) by Victor Edun (Shippensburg)
  • Main message 3: DO YOU LOVE ME? (John 21:1-25) By Chris Kelly (Charlottesville)
  • Closing: PREACH THE WORD (2 Timothy 4:1-2) by Jacob Lee (Washington)

Nine people shared their life testimonies to testify how God transformed their lives: Esder Chong (New Jersey); Esther Han (Washington); Felix Ezeanyaeche (Cornerstone); Greg Grissom (Chapel Hill); Kirk Kayser (Columbus); Lindsay Power (Tampa); Moses Kim (Philadelphia); Samuel Chae (Atlanta); and Shane Wilder (Tampa).

On the World Mission Night, six people shared their reports/testimonies: Angelica Lopez (Belize); B.W. (C nation); Jesse Diamond (short-term mission to Korea); Mary Boyd (Zambia); Sarah K. Lee (Poland); and Timothy Chang (India).

God raised 24 group Bible study leaders to help study the word of God together, to write and share their personal testimonies. There were five interest group sessions: UBF Next Generation's Spiritual Identity and Diaspora Mission (Ezra Cho); When Will The World End? (Bill Pottenger); The Wisdom of Finance (Joseph Chun); Defending Your Faith (James Hoff); and True Manhood (Mark Yang and James Roh).

Several parents labored to serve the children’s program by organizing group Bible studies, leading various activities, and delivering messages to help the younger generation to grow in Christ.

At the Sunday worship service, a special offering was collected for new Belize UBF Bible house.

To prepare for the conference, many people dedicated themselves to prayer and joyfully gave time and effort behind the scene. It was beautiful to see their dedication to the Lord.

They concluded the conference with three prayer topics:

  1. As the transformed children of God, may each of them continue to grow in the image of Christ and testify how much the Lord has done for them in their respective mission field;
  2. Each of them may recognize that God has placed them in their local and regional communities to support one another through the word of God, prayer, and fellowship (they will continue their leaders’ online group Bible study);
  3. May God raise up the next-generation leaders through the upcoming Vision Camp, European summer Bible conference, and CIS conference.