The UIC Easter conference Report

    The UIC ministry had our Easter Bible conference on March 22-24 at Camp Wonderland, WI. We studied Luke 22-24 and Acts 2 with Forgiven as our theme. Lesly Lopez delivered the first message on Luke 22:39-62. She accepted “Yet not my will, but yours be done.”  Paul Shin delivered the second on Luke 22:63-23:56 with “Jesus died for our sins on the cross” as his title. He proclaimed God’s forgiveness of sins through his son’s death and exhorted us to forgive others. Joseph Park shared Jesus’ resurrection message on Luke 24. He emphasized the importance of believing and understanding Jesus’ resurrection based on the scriptures. The last message was proclaimed by Paul Moon on Acts 2. From Apostle Peter’s message, he highlighted “Repent and be baptized in Jesus’ names” as God’s invitation and the gift of the Holy Spirit as the proof of God’s forgiveness of sins. Five people shared their life-testimonies (Jonathan Lee, Brooke, Suvd, Mary Park, and Michelle). At the end of each meeting, Daniel Park, Lydia Shin, Sarah Won and Faith Moon led us to pray according to the message we heard so that we could personalize God’s words. Many coworkers repented with tears and accepted the gospel newly. We had 9 peer Bible study groups (2 student, 2 women professional,  1 men professional, 1 young house churches, 1 family with young kids, 1 family with older kids, 1 children). There were 2 group Bible studies. There were 95 attendants including 10 UIC students and 25 children.

    We thank God that he helped us study Jesus’ suffering and glory and the coming of the Holy Spirit throughout the conference. We are grateful that the messages were the demonstration of the power of the Holy Spirit and life-testimonies were heart-moving. God gave us a spirit of repentance and forgiveness. While praying, several coworkers confessed their sins and shed tears. The work of the Holy Spirit was evident among us. May God continually use us to share the gospel on the UIC campus and make disciples of our Lord Jesus Christ.