HBF Spring Retreat: Living Hope (3/29-4/1)

We had a wonderful first night of our Easter retreat. 22 members gathered from Chicago HBF at Dickson Valley Camp for a night of fellowship and time in God’s word. We thank God for Moses Magardician who delivered the message on John 11:1-16. He reminded us that we have a living hope when we know that God has a plan for our lives. His key verse was John 11:4, “this sickness will not end in death. No, it is for God’s glory so that God’s son may be glorified through it.” This weekend we will continue our study of the rest of John 11 with group Bible study and the message tonight by Daniel King. May God bless us all to grow in resurrection faith and cling to our living hope that is through Jesus, The Resurrection, and the Life!

Sam Toh