Background and Motivation

During ISBC 2018, ISBC praise team received a lot of positive feedback from the congregation regarding the quality and consistency of praise sessions and resulting personal and communal edification. Evidently, God used the sessions to build up God’s people.  We also saw a high level of interest (>60 people) in Praise and Worship Interest Group. During the Interest Group, many questions were raised regarding practical matters in building and running praise teams. Additionally, we personally met with several leaders who expressed their interest in training their chapter members through a training program.  

As a response to God’s blessing and our members’ interest, we want to offer a training program for US/CA praise teams in 2019 as below. The program framework is based on ISBC praise team training program. The program team also sent a survey to several US/CA chapter directors on this program and received positive feedback.  


  • Elevate the quality of praise and worship ministry in UBF chapters  

  • Help praise team members to gain biblical understanding of worship

  • Equip praise team leaders to raise the next generation leaders through spiritual and musical discipleship


  • Program dates: July 25th, 6pm - 28th, 1pm (Thursday dinner - Sunday service)

  • Application deadline:  April 30th

  • Pre-program self-study: May to July  (Total about 20 hrs - independently study five GBS lessons in the material below: the attached link. Q&A/support to be done via google sheet/online call.)

Training Components

  • Biblical aspect (Daniel Park)
    - ‘Understanding Worship’:  Bible study series developed by Daniel Park  

  • Musical aspect (Abe Fernandez/Joe Park)
    - Selecting good songs, creating song sheets, finding the right key, music dynamics, and others

  • Leadership and soft-skill aspects
    - Working with chapter leaders and pastors
    - Shepherding your team
    - Running team meetings and practices  
    - Leading congregation in praise and worship


  • Praise team members in US and Canadian UBF chapters, who have desires to receive trainings described above  
    (If a member in other countries desires to attend, see the bottom paragraph.)

Qualification of Attendees

  • Born-again Christian

  • Have lived as a committed disciple at least for 1 years

  • Have done Bible study at least for 1 years

  • Have served as a praise team member at least for 1 year   

  • Musically talented - instrumentally or vocally (If a candidate does not fully meet qualification and desires to attend, see the bottom paragraph.)

Application Requirements (submit via two Google forms)

  • One page testimony on worship in personal life and God's calling to praise ministry

  • A short paragraph regarding personal role in the praise team (e.g., guitar, vocal, violin, or leadership)

  • Chapter director/pastor’s recommendation (this can be as short as one sentence)


  • Financial support - flight tickets by each chapter or by each attendee, and lodging and meal from UBF HQ/Chicago UBF

  • Prayer support  

Submit the application via two google forms for: a candidate and his/her chapter director/pastor. (Find the forms in the email containing this document.)  If the candidate qualification is not met and he/she desires to attend the program, please contact Daniel Park (iamicde@gmail.com). 2018 ISBC praise team members are not required to submit application requirements, if they want to attend, as they submitted last year. Any questions and feedback should be addressed to Daniel Park (iamicde@gmail.com).