Job Opportunities at Harvard Research Center - Research Fellow Positions are now Available

Center for Genomic Medicine, Mass General Hospital, Boston MA is hiring research fellow as follow

The field of employment and personnel Computational Biology (Biostatistics, Genetic Epidemiology, Bioinformatics): 2 people

Molecular (or Cell, Lab related major) Biology or Genetics: 2 people

Research project: Genomic medicine refers to diagnosis, prediction, prognosis, prevention and/or treatment of disease using approaches informed or enabled by knowledge of the genome and the molecules it encodes.

Research disease: Brain genomics: the neural and genetic architecture of mental illness, such as Huntington's Disorder and ALS Disease 

Annual Salary: NIH Basic Salary (~50,000)

Employment and membership at Molecular Neurogenetics Unit, Center for Genomic Medicine, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston MA 02114, USA

Department of Neurology, Harvard Medical School, Boston MA 02115, USA  

Anyone who is interested in - please contact Ezra Hong -  or glory0305 (Kakaotalk) sending with resume

May the Lord raise many self-supporting & Specialist missionaries and sent to their mission fields

In Christ 

Ezra Hong