P. Moses Yoon and Dr Augustine Suh visited Milwaukee UBF

On Feb 22 (Friday) P. Moses Yoon and Dr Augustine Suh visited Milwaukee UBF. Rawon Kang and Rachel guided them in UWM campus and they all prayed at the Union. In the evening after dinner, about 20 co-workers joined a group Bible study followed by 30 minutes of a Q & A session. The prayer topics of Milwaukee UBF is to build up a loving spiritual community, to invite 12 students to Campus group Bible study, and for 60 SWS and 60 weekly one to one. May God bless the humble and spiritual leadership of Msn Paul/Naomi Dang.

This is Msn Paul Dang's email after the visit: "Thank you so much for your coming and blessing our ministry with campus visit and group Bible study (Jn 3). We were richly blessed by the abundant word of God through the group Bible study. Thank you also for sharing the importance of prayer, Scripture memorization, and humility. May the Lord God bless all our coworkers including me to put them into practice. May the Lord God bless us to remain in Jesus and bear much fruit for his glory."