2019 Gospel Retreat Report

Canada UBF held the 2nd annual Gospel Retreat from January 3-5, 2019 in Ontario. 52 participants came from Montreal and Ontario chapters as well as from Chicago UBF. The purpose of the retreats is to prepare an environment where students and young people can hear the gospel of Jesus from Scripture and experience the life-transforming power of God.

The retreat focused on Romans 6-8 and the theme was “The Gospel: Life through the Spirit.” Through Romans 6, we learned that because of Jesus’ death and resurrection, we count ourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus, so we have freedom to offer ourselves to God as instruments of righteousness. In Romans 8, we learned that we do not live in fear again as slaves, but we are led by the Spirit of God as children of God who cry, “Abba, Father!” More than that, we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us!

We had a Romans 8 recitation contest with prizes for the contestants. Three young participants recited the entire chapter from memory. We pray that the word of God may dwell in their hearts and minds.

God has also used the retreat and the preparation leading up to the retreat as opportunities to train young disciples in taking up responsibilities and leadership roles. God raised up young messengers and testimony sharers who struggled honestly before God and shared their failures and their faith and hope in God. We praise and thank God for Canadian young disciples who are growing and maturing through struggling to put their hope in Christ alone in whatever life challenges they face. You can look at the photos at google drive:


We pray that future gospel retreats will continue to bring young disciples and students together with one purpose to know and exalt Christ and give their one life to live for him.

By Esther Kim