2019 North America Members' meeting (2/9, Chicago)

North America members (62/73) gathered together from 1.00 p.m to 6.30 pm at Chicago Center to thank God reviewing God’s work in 2018 and praying for 2019.

Some highlights are as follows:

-Dr. Augustine Sohn gave a message, “Have the same attitude as that of Jesus Christ.” (Philippine 2:1-1)

-2019 KV Testimony sharing in 9 small groups. - M. David Cho of LA was approved as a new Member.

- P. Moses Yoon's appointment and approval by the members as the new chapter candidates: Abraham Park of New Heart. MO, James Hopeman of Santa Anna, Joseph Sohn of Highland Park. NJ, and David Park of Silicon Valley, CA) adding to 85 current chapters, (Changed chapter directors: Stephen Yang to Spencer Luben of Minneapolis, Paul Lee to Isaac Kim of Scarborough Canada.)

P. Ron Ward explained his role as the vice General Director to support P. Moses Yoon for the unity of UBF.

- Reports: NA coordinator (*Asking prayer for a new generation of full-time staff etc), Finance department (2018 Christmas offering towards establishing a missionary education and training center, Guadalajara), Education committee (On line, emerging leaders cohort etc), Wikipedia Committee, ISBC report and future plan, WM Dept (Vision Camps before EIBC etc).

P. Moses Yoon’s Report and Prayer topics:

Let's celebrate God's grace of 2018 in spite of so many difficulties. Let's pray together for God's work 2019 with broken heart. He gave us prayer topics as below.

1. We may study Bible deeply and fervently and preach the gospel in season and out of season

2. Engage in 5,000 1:1 weekly in NA

3. Build up loving, Christ centered community

4. Pray for the next gen leaders for World Mission

5. Pray for this year's European Summer Bible Conference (ESBC), CIS and Canada summer Conference