Peter and Pauline Choi's Thanksgiving and Prayer Topics

Peter Choi

I thank you for your love and prayer to my family. Here are the thanksgiving and prayer topics.

Thanksgiving topics

  1. We thank God for sending Jesus to take all my sins away.

  2. We thank God for providing the word of God through Sunday worship service, daily bread meeting and one to one bible study.

  3. We thank God for loving communities in Chicago UBF, NU UBF, CBF and BBF

  4. We thank God for making me a professor shepherd in Kookmin University

Prayer topics

  1. To seek God’s kingdom first

  2. To feed Jesus’ lamb on campus

  3. For my children to believe in Jesus

  4. For me to be a good professor shepherd


Pauline Choi

I will share my thanksgiving topics and prayer topics with you.

I thank God for being with my family and blessing us for about three years in Chicago.

I thank God for keeping me spiritually refreshed with his Word through Sunday messages by Pastor. Ron and Pastor. Kevin, and the messenger team.

I thank God for the precious NU coworkers and students.

I thank God for the fellowship with young mothers through the reflection sharing meeting and the group bible study meeting.

I thank God for granting M. Peter a faculty job. I thank God for his guidance, believing that he is leading us to the best place for us.


My key verse of this year is Mk 11:22, “Have faith in God.”

Please pray for me to have faith in God when I raise my children and serve the campus ministry. Please pray for me to love the Lord wholeheartedly and learn Jesus’ heart of mercy and compassion, and my children to get adjusted well to a new school and have a personal faith in Jesus.

Please remember us in your prayer.

Thank you.