2019 UBF North America Staff Conference Report (Videos)


“That all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me.” (John 17:21)

Our North American staff conference was held January 10-12 at the Sheraton Hotel O’Hare in Chicago with an attendance of 166 members. 

Messages were given by Pastor Abraham Kim (Acts 1:8), Pastor Moses Yoon (John 17), and William Larsen (1 Cor 1, 2). In addition, there were regional reports, two Bible studies plus testimony sharing, a multi-generational discussion, and much prayer.

On the opening night, Pastor Abraham Kim encouraged us to be witnesses of Jesus to end of our lives by the power of the Spirit. He said our roles in the ministry may change, but our calling to be a witness of Jesus never changes. His message was followed by regional reports of how God worked last year and each region’s prayer topics. In addition, we also welcomed many new young leaders from different chapters.

The next morning, members engaged in a working breakfast for regional meetings, and afterwards, studied John 17 in small groups. Then, Pastor Moses Yoon shared his New Year’s message with the theme that we may be one. He reminded us that this was Jesus’ prayer for us and this is how others know that we are really his disciples. He emphasized that we need God’s protection and sanctification to love one another and truly be one. 

After his message, several new chapter directors were introduced, and we heard a presentation on Next Gen education and vision camps.
In the afternoon, there was a multi-generational discussion on how to be one by recognizing the differences and needs of each generation, first by six panelists from three different generations and then in break-out groups. 

Everyone agreed that this is possible when there is genuine love and communication. Before testimony sharing in the evening, we heard various reports on preparation for ISBC 2023, the formation of the third Emerging Leaders Cohort, UBF’s online education, the Wikipedia project, and a certificate program on cross-cultural relations from Wheaton College available to UBF members.

On the last day, following a Bible study on 1 Cor 1:18-2:16, William Larsen, of Los Angeles UBF, gave a message entitled, “Jesus Christ and Him Crucified.” He encouraged us to be one by holding only onto the power and wisdom of the cross and by repenting of worldly wisdom that leads to divisions, quarrels and struggles in the ministry. Also, through the Spirit we can have the mind of Christ by which we can be one. 

Afterwards, more new chapter leaders were introduced followed by an update on Dr. John Doty’s miraculous recovery. 

Lastly, Pastor Moses Yoon gave us direction and prayer topics: 1.) to study the Bible deeply and fervently; 2.) preach the gospel, believing the power of the gospel, and for North America UBF to have 5,000 1:1 Bible studies weekly; 3.) to build up a genuinely loving community; 4.) to raise up the next generation leaders; 5.) for Dr. John Doty’s health.

By Yvonne Lee