Children Bible Fellowship (CBF) Certificate of Achievement to Nancy Maloba of Kenya, CHICAGO UBF, USA

On August 26, 2018, Chicago Children Bible Fellowship (CBF) presented a certificate of achievement to Nancy Omodo Maloba from Kenya, Africa. She is a currently teacher in Kenya public school, and also have been taking care of CBF children. She volunteered to be trained as a CBF teacher in order to serve spiritual education better for growing children in Kenya.

After ISBC 2018, she stayed at Chicago for 12 days more to be trained with the subjects “CBF Orientation,” and “Teaching to change lives.” It was intensive training in a short time which was given by our CBF teachers.

It was only possible because of P. Abraham Kim’s mindful consideration, and Chicago Elders’ prayerful support. Also we were so impressed by her life of faith and absolute attitude as a CBF teacher. In order to come to Chicago for training she entrusted her beloved eight months old baby son, Lemuel to her mother-in-law.

We thank God, and pray that God may accept her sacrifice and dedication for CBF teacher training as a source of blessing in Kenya as well as all African children. (Attached Nancy’s thanksgiving letter with pictures)

By Isaac Choi

My Thanksgiving and prayer topics

My name is Nancy Maloba, I am from Kenya UBF, my husband Kevin and I have 3 children Daniel, Nathaniel and Lemuel. I serve the CBF with 18 children of different age group. It was important for me to come and get trained about CBF so that I can be equipped more to serve the children well.

One major thing I learned is that it is important for the children to learn about God at an early age. This is because the word of God will guide them as they journey through life. No matter what challenges they face in the future, the word of God will bring them back.

I thank God for this opportunity to go training. I thank Pastor Ron and Dr. Abraham for praying and enabling me to come this far. I thank Msn. Isaac and Rebecca Choi for giving their heart to serve me. I thank Sh. Tim and Msn. Birgit for sacrificing their time to train me as well. I also thank sis Sarah and sis Michelle for warmly hosting me in their family.

Kenya CBF prayer topics are:

That the children will grow deeply in God’s word and become his witnesses. God will send willing teachers to serve our children.
May God raise our CBF children grow to be influential leaders to disciple the next generation.
