"Victory in Jesus" - Los Angeles UBF Next Generation Vision Camp July 20-August 8, USA

LA UBF is having next generation vision camp from 7/20 until 8/8. The vision camp started JBF/HBF summer conference (7/20-7/22)  The title of the conference was “Victory in Jesus.” 12 middle school/high school 2nd gens from Poland, France, Canada, and Arizona and 38 LA UBF JBF/HBF members attended. We had messages, symposium, life testimony and game time. 2nd gens made friends through the activities and received word of God together.

From 7/23 college 2nd gens started participating in the vision camp. 14 college 2nd gens from Korea, Bolivia, and Canada are attending the camp. 6 LA UBF college 2nd gens are participating. 3 more 2nd gens from abroad will participate from 7/30. Total JBF/HBF and college 2nd gens from abroad will be 30.

7/23 JBF/HBF members went on a morning tour at a science museum in LA. In the evening was the welcoming session titled “Young men will see visions” Pastor John served the message with the title and 2nd gens had icebreakers.

7/24 the participants went to Universal Studios and had fellowship together. Even though the weather was so hot the members enjoyed the place and built up relationships and unity.

7/25 the members had sessions titled “A seed falls on good soil”. The members had group bible study, message by M. Paul Lim, testimony writing and sharing, and lectures (‘Why should we read the Bible?,’ ‘How can we build up Bible reading habits in the IT generation?’ (by M. Joseph Cho), ‘How to meditate on the word of God by listening to God’s voice’ (M. Juan Seo)). All sessions aimed to help 2nd gens to love the word of God, read the Bible more, and meditate on it deeply with good desire. Two 2nd gens from abroad shared graceful testimonies at night.

7/26 the members started having daily bread session at 7:00 am and shared what they received through the word of God.  Members will have a daily bread session everyday during the camp.

7/26-7/28 all vision camp participants went camping at Isabella Lake.

Our prayer topic is that 2nd gens may receive the word of God deeply, see God’s vision for their personal life, and hear God’s calling for mission through the camp. Please pray for all the messengers and the powerful work of the Holy Spirit.

In Jesus,

David Park