Chicago UBF Prayer Topics for ISBC During Three Weeks of Prayer Meetings, USA

Chicago UBF is in its third week of prayer meetings while many Korea and other continent UBF's pray for ISBC in their Summer Bible Conferences.

(1) May God help all to receive God's kingdom and expand his kingdom to all nations 
(2) May God use USA/Canada as today's Rome in expanding God's kingdom
(3) May God help us to invite 300+ more people from USA/Canada to receive King Jesus and his kingdom  

In the meeting on 7/19:

We heard a message on Revelation 4-5 "Worthy is the Lamb!" by Jim Rarick after Darren Gruett and David Saethre's Bible passage reading. We practiced a chorus with the same title conducted by Tim McEathron. We prayed for the speakers, all-conference workers, and to bring 300+ from USA and Canada.