M. Abraham and Sarah Kang will Move from Boston to Newberg, Oregon on August 5, USA

M. Abraham (Young Bok) and Sarah (Mi Jin) Kang (Boston UBF) will move to Newberg in Oregon on 8/5.

M. Abraham and Sarah Kang were sent to the U.S. from Korea Anam UBF in August 2011 as a Ph.D student missionary. They joined the Philadelphia UBF ministry as good co-workers by September 2015. After obtaining his Ph.D, God led M. Abraham to Harvard Medical School-Massachusetts General Hospital as a postdoctoral researcher in October 2015. They served the Boston UBF ministry as co-workers by July 2018. God provided him with the assistant professor position in Biomedical Engineering at George Fox University. They will move to Newberg in Oregon state from Boston on August 5. 

Prayer topics:
1. We pray that M. Abraham may rely on God alone as he starts teaching in George Fox University.
2. We pray that we may be filled with the Holy Spirit and serve His will wholeheartedly.
3. My first daughter, Anna has abdominal pain after every meal. We pray for her accurate diagnosis and healing.
4. We pray for a beautiful coworking with Dr. Joseph Ahn’s family.