Canada Receives Vision to "Believe the Gospel, Obey the Gospel and Preach the Gospel" through Gospel Retreats, CANADA


Canada UBF Gospel Retreat Report

Hi, my name is Esther Lazo from Toronto, Canada. I came to Chicago for three months of discipleship training and to participate in the ISBC preparation. I grew up in a Christian home but I did not know God personally and had so many questions that I did not have answers to. I fell into a depression due to a meaningless life. When I entered the University of Toronto, I was invited to Bible study with Sheila and joined the St George UBF church under the leadership of Dr. Henry and Esther Kim. God has been helping me to follow Jesus slowly but surely. Naturally, I am a fearful and passive person. Please pray for me to grow as a woman like Esther in the Bible who overcame fear and saved her country by faith. Please pray for me to have faith to say, “If I perish, I perish” for the glory of God and for His kingdom to come to Canada.

I want to share with you a little about what God has been doing in Canada. Since last fall, God has been mobilizing young student leaders to pray together and to organize Gospel Retreats to pray for the revival of Canada campus ministry. The first Gospel Retreat was held at the end of last year with 55 attendees and we studied Romans 1-4 with the title “Gospel: Justification by Faith”.

Last week, the second Gospel Retreat was held with the title “The Gospel: Peace with God” based on Romans 5. The message and the testimonies revealed the new relationship we have in Jesus. We had many joyful activities and deep and meaningful group Bible studies. This time, there were more attendees and many new one to one students came and had a wonderful fellowship. Overall, it was a celebration of the grace of God through Jesus. Through the study of Romans God gave us a common vision for Canada ministries to Believe the Gospel, Obey the Gospel and Preach the Gospel.

Thank you for your prayers for Canada. Thank you for supporting us by sending many sacrificial missionaries from Chicago: Esther Kim, Jennifer Stumpf, Elena Giesbrecht and Stephanie Polvi this coming June. May God bless USA and Canada UBF to send many missionaries to the ends of the earth. Amen.