UMBRC Ministry in Winnipeg, Canada Had Joyful Student Club Meeting During School Year, CANADA


UMBRC Ministry
M. Paul Kim

To those who attended to our student club meeting,

Hello everyone!!! We have reached the end of school year for our club’s meeting. I want to thank each and everyone one of you for coming to join us. We are encouraged so much by every members.

By God’s guidance we had Lamoy join last school year and this school year we had Isaac, Andrea, Ellah, Enoch, Grace join us. Our meeting was full of joy and blessing from God through everyone. I pray for each and everyone of you for your final exams. We may do all for God’s glory and God may bless our exams and future events. Thank you so much, see you all next fall.

Thank God for blessing youth people through UMBRC ministry!

Lamoy, Rim, Daphne, Edna, Grace, Isaac, Enoch, Andrea, Katrina, Kaycee, Daniel, M. Sarah, M. Paul attended. Daniel and Daphne were re-elected as president and vice-president to serve 2018-2019 school year at the general election.

Thank you for your sincere hearts and prayers with us!