M. Mary Cowen was Admitted to the Master of Arts in Christian Education & Formation at Princeton Theological Seminary, USA

By M. Mary Cowen

Grace and peace of Lord Jesus be with you!

I would like to share the good news. This morning I got a letter of acceptance to the Master of Arts in Christian Education and Formation (MACEF) program at Princeton Theological Seminary.

Among the various tracks given within MACEF, I chose Spiritual Formation and Mission Track.  

After P. Sam and Grace S Lee found the program as a result of their relationship outreach to Princeton students, they encouraged

me and several others to apply for it. It's God-open door for his work on Princeton campus.

Thank you very much for your prayer and love for me and for my children as well as for Princeton Bible Fellowship coworkers.

I thank God for giving me an opportunity to study and serve his work. May God bless his work at Princeton University through Princeton Theological Seminary.

It is God's grace because I am 61 years old and I have been accepted to Princeton Theological Seminary with PTSem grant and scholarship.

I may study well depending on God's grace for His glory.

"Let your work be shown to your servants and your glorious power to their children. Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us,

and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!" (Psalm 90:16-17)

In Christ,

Mary Cowen