North America Representative Members Meeting was Held in Chicago (Video), USA



​Near 70 North America representative members shared 2018 Bible key verses followed by discussions in 9 groups.

The topics were such as, "Can my leader hear me?", "Ways to promote marriage and courtship," "Short and Long term missionaries in North America", "Benefits and challenges of social media in ministry" etc.

After Dr. Augustine Sohn's 2018 key verse message (Acts 1), we heard reports of the directors of North America, Education, World Mission, Finance, Relief, Wikipedia and other online communication, necessity of understanding legal and liability matter in NA, and UBF By Law amendments.

<Pastor Abraham Kim gave an appreciation plaque during the 2018 NA members’ meeting to Maria Ahn for her 52 years’ dedication as a UBF treasurer.>

<Pastor Abraham Kim gave an appreciation plaque during the 2018 NA members’ meeting to Maria Ahn for her 52 years’ dedication as a UBF treasurer.>

P. Abraham Kim reported God's work in 2017 (*58 new missionaries to 28 countries to reach 1,802 in 97 nations).

He gave prayer topics:

1. Spiritual revival to all USA/Canada UBF chapters-- Invitation of 110% of SWSA to reach 3,000.

2. Powerful work of the Holy Spirit through God's word

3. Raise many Short and Long-term missionaries.