A Short Testimony of Dr. Jose Paul Ahn as an Ambassador of Jesus!


Dr. Jose Paul Ahn

We talk about how we can fish, how to attract today's people to come to Jesus! Here is the answer! “I should meet Jesus and solve all my life problems, like the Samaritan woman! Then I cannot but tell like her to all I have known before, and to all I have met all my life, “Come and see Jesus! He has solved all my life problems! He will solve yours too!!”

I cannot forget Jesus who has quenched my thirsty, hungry soul, and solved meaningless, hopeless life problems! I ran into the campus and shouted for joy. Thus, Jesus made me go around the whole world to say, “Come and See! My Savior Jesus! He is your Savior, you El Salvadorians, Peruvians, Bolivians, Latin Americans, and people of the whole world!” Lord! Let me proclaim this Messiah Jesus all my remaining life all the more through raising disciples and missionaries!