KIMNET (Kingdom Inter Mission Net Work) Report


*KIMNET (Kingdom Inter Mission Net Work) 10th Annual Conf. Report (10/25-27, Dallas)

150 prominent church leaders (senior pastors and emerging generation pastors), mission agency representatives and missionaries gathered together to share concerns and pray for the emerging generations with 3 Mission challenges, 3 mission reports, 12 messages, 4 mission agency reports, 5 divided-workshops.

The highlight topics were: Emerging generations in the Bible, the relationship between first and next generations, mission vision of emerging generations, mission strategy with emerging generations etc.

We shared why around 80% of emerging generations leave their churches during their high school and college years? One of the best solution seems to be parents' mentoring, educating and equipping their own children at home for around 18-20 years before they enter into the world as God helped one person Abraham for 25 years. If they miss the golden time to equip them with strong enough faith to be like Joseph, Moses and Daniel, the new generations will be like the flowers grown in the vinyl house into the winter like world. The church leaders recognized this but they seem to be helpless at this situation. but we could see that UBF house churches around the world had been educating, equipping their next generations as 7,000 remnants. Most of them are eating Daily Breads with parents and pray together before going to school. They worship God listening to their parent's messages once a week and write and share testimonies, cowork parents attending Sunday Worship Service, Conferences, experiencing self supporting missionary parents in serving God's work, they see joyful sufferings of their parents. Thus God has been raising near 7,000 remnants as in Elijah's chaotic era. May God increase many more homes like UBF House churches among all churches members.

Pastor Abraham, Sarah Kim with 10 UBF leaders served the conference as lectures, presiders, prayer servants and Taekwondo stretching master. university bible fellowship kimnet conference university bible fellowship kimnet conference The 3 UBF speakers gave practical examples of God's equipping emerging generations last more than half century: M. Jimmy Rhee (India): "Life testimony and India mission report" showed how God blessed their House Church and raised national new generation leaders even to be missionaries to other countries. university bible fellowship kimnet conferenceM. David Kim (Indianapolis): "Disciple making in the local churches" showed how we can raise next generations as disciples through one on one Bible studies and mentoring. university bible fellowship kimnet conferenceM. Jacob Lee (Washington D.C): "Dedication of the emerging generation" showed good examples of equipping mission kids and new generation national leaders as disciples, missionaries and his successor of God's ministry.

Pastor Abraham and Sarah Kim are visiting several chapters in Texas beginning with M. Steven and Elizabeth Han (Dallas), Jonathan and Karen Jung (Dallas), Joshua and Gloria Choo, Augustine and  Monica Hong's House churches (Arlington) and Joshua and Mary Jun (Austine) till next Tuesday.