A Letter from Grace A. Lee

With all my heartfelt gratitude to God and to all of you!


Dear Precious Coworkers and Prayer Servants, 

I want to thank my God and my Lord who saved my life and gave me a new beginning. On Sept 20, I went into the hospital for a EGD and Colonoscopy. Unfortunately, doctor made a mistake which resulted in perforation on my stomach and a tear on my spleen. After two hours of unsuccessful effort to find the problem through endoscopy, the surgeon performed a major surgery by making a 6 inches incision on my stomach. After another two hours, the surgeon found the problem and fixed it. When I woke up from the surgery, I did not know that the doctor had made a mistake. In God, there is no mistake. I believe that God is sovereign and he gave me a new life and a new beginning.  Thank God that the surgery was successful and God allowed me to stay in the hospital for 17 days. On October 7th I was discharged from the hospital.

I want to thank God for all of your concern, love and prayers. Many of the leaders and the elders prayed for me during the operation and so many of you came to visit me at the hospital to prayed for me. I received so many emails and phone calls from all over the world. To my surprise, even Mother Barry came to see me at the hospital on her wheel chair. 

I cannot forget her love and grace for me. God heard all of your prayers of faith and restored me until now. I believe that your prayers went up to the heaven’s throne (Revelations 8:4).  Every day I felt the power of your prayers and I could overcome weakness and powerlessness. I am thankful that all my children came to take care of me and even my granddaughters and grandsons came to comfort me. My granddaughter Nathalys Kim called and texted every day to see how I was doing.  I am indebted to all of your prayers

All my vital signs are good. Now, I need your prayers to help me recover my strength through physical therapy and occupational therapy (sent by Happy Home Care, Sarah B. Choi). A nurse will come to check up on me once a week. Therapist will come to my house three times a week for two weeks and two times a week for another two weeks. I thank God for granting me such a wonderful follow up care. I need faith to exercise according to the direction of the therapist and I need obedience to practice what I learned every day. Please pray for me not to be anxious but be patient to wait until I am fully restored. I believe that the prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective (James 5:16b). Please continue to pray for me during this time.

With all my heartfelt gratitude to God and to all of you,

Grace A. Lee