Dr. Lee’s Memorial Service Report (Video)

Exodus 19:6, “...you will be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.”

Dr. Lee’s Annual memorial service was held at Chicago UBF on October 6, with the theme, “God’s hope for North America, a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” The meeting was packed with about 300 members, including the guests from Korea, Japan, Canada, NJ, NY, Ohio, etc. The program began with prayer of Sam Toh, Dr. David Jun (Japan), and Dr. James Suh (Korea), followed by P. Abraham Kim’s welcoming address and UIC chorus, “Facing a task unfinished.” The highlight was Late Dr. Lee’s video announcement message with the above theme delivered at the 2001 ISU Conference.  The message can be summarized as follows. “There is no hope in America and in the world. But we find only God’s hope for North America. It is to be a kingdom of priests and a holy nation. In other words, it is to fulfill God’s plan for world salvation work. This plan has been persistently flowing from the beginning, Genesis 3 throughout the Bible. To fulfill this plan, God sent his One and Only Son, Jesus to be crucified on the tree. We can find God’s hope only through Jesus. We should accept God’s hope as our own.”

The message was followed by special song by Dr. Gideon Bahn (Dupage UBF), “How great thou art.” Then two speakers shared their testimonies. Dr. Henry Park shared a testimony entitled, “Be completely humble” (Ephesians 4:2). It was based on Dr. Lee’s seven humbles trainings, starting from factory boy training. He was totally proud and spoiled. But through this humbleness training, he learned that he had been crucified with Christ, and he no longer lived but Christ lived in him. (Gal 2:20) It was a turning point to be changed. Since then, when any conflicts arose, he took an initiative, saying, “I am sorry; you are right, I am wrong; please pray for me.” Whenever he confessed this, the conflict resolved.

P. Ron Word shared a testimony, “A father of many nations” (Gen 17:5).  Dr. Lee was his spiritual father. He could have written a book, regarding what he had learned from Dr. Lee, but he wrote mainly 4 things: “Dr. Lee planted gospel faith”, “Dr. Lee raised him as a gospel messenger”, “Dr. Lee introduced his wife, a woman of faith”, and “Dr. Lee took care of many Americans one by one with the heart of Christ.” He emphasized how Dr. Lee’s deep Bible study influenced him greatly until he could be raised as a servant of God’s word.

The program ended with P. Kevin’s announcement. He summarized the meaning of “a kingdom of priests and a holy nation” with two words: “Love Christ and believe in the word of God.” 

* Related articles (See below links) 
-P. Ron Ward Testimony
-Dr. Henry Park's Testimony