Minneapolis Summer Bible Conference Report

From Friday, July 28 through Sunday, July 30, Minneapolis UBF held our 2017 Summer Bible Conference with the theme “The Father’s Heart.” We prayed that God would bless each of our attendants to learn God’s heart and love, develop a deeper fellowship with him, and grow as his mature children so that we might love each other and serve campus students and the world. Accepting our co-workers’ prayers and devotion, God abundantly blessed our conference with 35 attendants including three guests from Chicago and two from Triton UBF.

Five messengers, Stephen Yang (Psalm 103), Spencer Luebben (Luke 15:11-32), Chuck Voght (Mark 15:21-47), Vision Lyu (Romans 8:14-17), and Ben West (1John 3:1-24) all delivered insightful  messages that revealed different aspects of God’s love and hope for his children. Three growing disciples, Nick Colombo, Robin Lee, and Aaron Nisley shared their beautiful testimonies based on three of the lectures. Timothy Lopez, whom we invited from Triton UBF, also shared his heart-moving life testimony detailing God’s wonderful grace in his life. Dr. Augustine Suh blessed us with a very informative special lecture, entitled “History of Mission.” And as a special program, our CBF members performed a joyful and humorous skit based on the Parable of the Lost Son. We were all refreshed by their innocence and creativity.

Through the conference, we learned that God is our compassionate, lovesick, and suffering Father, who gave his one and only Son to forgive, heal and adopt sinners as his children. We also learned our true identity as God’s beloved children and the glorious privileges we enjoy as his heirs. Finally, we learned God’s hope for each of his children to grow in Christ’s image (purity and love) and participate in his world redemptive work, the very heartbeat of God. We praise God, our heavenly Father, who always loves and cares for his children with his compassionate and tender heart.

From Minneapolis UBF