2017 North American UBF Ministry Report

For details on all the ministries in Chicago UBF, see our annual report booklet, pp. 29-56. This report will omit Chicago, not because it isn't valuable but due to time constraints, so that we can all try to learn what God has been doing in all the other chapters. The following is based on annual reports submitted by local chapter directors. If a chapter isn't mentioned tonight, it's only because no report was submitted. Though there are so many ways God has been working, this report tries to focus especially on the development of student work and the raising of leaders.

In Akron UBF, Vinh & Frankie joined from Milwaukee. Now they have a new center building near the campus.

In Arlington UBF, Gloria studies faithfully with Kimberly and Connor. Monica studies with Myriah, Jose and Lee Young.

In Auburn UBF, second-gens John and Joseph study at Auburn. Eunice has studied with Madison, Garrison and Audrey. Isaiah, another second-gen from Mexico, also came to study at Auburn.

In Austin UBF, after many came and went they decided to focus on discipleship ministry. Some high school students attended a Bible club and started coming on Sundays; then they entered UT in the Fall. They became the core of a new Bible study group on campus. The ministry moved to a new place for worship. At the end of the year another of the students was baptized.

Last year God blessed Baltimore I to send out Cyril and Mary Boyd’s family as permanent missionaries to Zambia. God blessed Summer Thomas to grow in Christ and be baptized. The Sambuco daughters, Grace and Lydia, are attending Towson U. and co-working in the ministry. They renewed their student group status on campus, and students are coming on Fridays. Ishaya has been growing as a co-worker and occasionally speaks on Sundays.

God blessed the Baltimore III ministry through Andrew Park’s family. Stephen, a faithful and growing disciple, has been struggling spiritually and brought his brother Phil. Jonathan and Sean have also been growing under Andrew Park’s care.

In Berkeley UBF, God sent second-gens Lynn (LA) and Jae-Eun (Mexico City) as undergrads. They’ve been participating in the ministry, and some students have been coming as well. John from Boston also has been serving.

Boston UBF has joined together in prayer since William’s accident. God has been growing young leaders and sending second-gens. Musa, from Cape Town, graduated from Harvard Law, and brought his four friends Omoeke, Radhika, Trung and Sharon. Grace also graduated from Harvard and decided to stay and work in Boston. Second-gens Rebekah from Yekaterinburg, Esther from Milwaukee, and David from Astana, will attend schools in Boston in the Fall. Two young couples, Allan and Julissa, and Nathan and Susanna, will marry this summer.

God has been blessing Cerritos UBF through Abraham’s family’s nightly prayer meetings led by his children Bobae and Deborah. Nicolas joined as well. A new Bible student, Jerry, attended their Easter conference last year and met Jesus personally. Another student, Aurora, attended their 2016 summer conference and shared her life testimony. Last Fall they had their first Bible academy, and new Bible students Nathan, Victor and Nnemaka attended and began coming faithfully. Nicolas, Bobae and Debra have been speaking on campus about Romans, and new students Deborah and Edson have been coming. Bobae has been engaged to Abraham of Moscow UBF.  Cerritos UBF now has a big new Bible house.

At Chapel Hill, NC UBF, God has been blessing Stephen’s family. Thomas has grown as a student leader on campus, and Stephen’s daughters Mary and Elizabeth have started a high school Greek language club to learn the Bible in Greek.

In Cincinnati UBF, Bonnie serves as singspiration leader and treasurer while working full-time as a nurse practitioner. Justin is growing through starting at the bottom as a new doctor. Second-gens Mary, Sarah, Hannah and Luke also are participating. Morgan studies the Bible with Veronica, Zuri, Parker, Jason & Cymbree, and joins with the women in prayer.

God has been blessing the families in Cleveland UBF to co-work graciously, sharing message delivery and ministry responsibilities. Through them God has been growing Adam and Lorena as new coworkers in Christ. Whit and Joanna’s daughter Deborah got a scholarship at a local college in Cleveland so that she could stay and help with the ministry.

God has been sending new members to Columbus UBF. Joanna and Jessica, second-gens from Cleveland UBF are now freshmen at OSU. Zun from China finished his economics degree and has been bringing many, including Eric. James came from Yonhee UBF to study in grad school and is helping an OSU student named Aaron.

In Connecticut UBF, second-gens Minji and Grace have been serving the worship services while in school, and Jenny, Jongho and Younghak come to Bible studies. Jeremiah’s wife Esther serves women’s Bible studies.

Cornerstone UBF is studying the Bible with and praying for five young families and five students. Luke retired recently and is eager to serve ministry full-time.

We thank God for giving Stephen’s family in Dallas green cards last year after waiting for ten years. We thank God for their compassion for Dallas students and pray that in the midst of many ongoing challenges they can find God’s direction.

In Denver UBF, God has been using our co-workers to serve young people: Elaine, Kendura, Kalen, Nayon and Brian.

In DuPage UBF, God has been using Jason and Anastasia’s family as a blessing to John, Alex, Ruth and Christine. Mary has been studying faithfully with Kayla. Carlos, Amanda, Eric and Michael were recently baptized. Coworkers are praying for a new ministry at Olivet Nazarene U. through a student named Jose.

In Eau Claire UBF, God has been using our members to minister to a wounded soul, Cassie. Through their co-working, labor of love and prayers, she’s being healed and was recently engaged to a godly man, Cody. Another young woman, Emma, learned how to pray for her unbelieving boyfriend Jon, and he recently opened his heart to God’s word and has become faithful. Another young woman, Kelsey, is being healed by forgiveness and is sharing John’s Gospel with her softball coach.

In El Camino UBF, about 20 members left the ministry last year and became critical. Those who remained became too tired to have conferences. God inspired John to have a year-end leaders’ retreat and lead the 80 remaining members to study the book of Jonah. God richly blessed them, and he encouraged them through the visits and support of other West Coast coworkers and UBF leaders worldwide.

Last year God helped Abraham in Erie UBF, after working in the U.S for ten years, to pass the professional engineer exam. His three children are growing well and participating in the ministry.

In George Mason UBF last year, David deeply realized that he himself was the cause of the ministry’s problems. He began to repent and see hope in the grace of God.

In Hyde Park UBF, Paul and John joined the pastoral team. Deborah, Grace and Sarah serve as prayer servants. John, Nick and Abraham serve administration. Last year three couples joined the ministry, and three are praying to get married. They’re serving 14 children.

In Indianapolis UBF, God blessed Angela, Josh, Allie and Holly to get jobs in the city after graduation and to pay for their travel to the World Mission Report on their own. Over the past four years their Christmas service attendance has grown from 8 to 22. Angela has grown as a Bible teacher for Mackenzie, Tabby, Rachel and Ashley.

Last year John and Sarah joined Kansas City UBF. Ben and Blake have been serving as presiders. Kelsey and William have been joining. Noah Jr. began grad school in computer science; they are praying for him to meet Jesus personally.

God blessed Lehigh UBF to have about 12 students join the Friday night Bible studies. Co-workers are actively inviting students to Bible study. God has raised new servants for the music ministry. A new family, Mark and Mary, has come from Korea. Please pray for them and their four children.

In Lincoln Park UBF, God has raised Brandon as a faithful steward. Longlong has opened his heart to the gospel through years of faithful, quiet 1:1 Bible study. Jonathan and Eva finished 8th grade and are eagerly studying Genesis before high school. John Von Moss is studying Mark’s Gospel faithfully. Kathy is studying John’s Gospel with the young women.

Last year God blessed LA UBF’s summer Bible camp for seven weeks studying Mark’s Gospel with about 40 college and high school students. The college student leaders prepared for a whole week in advance, living at the center. Young people gained vision to suffer to follow Jesus and serve the world. Coworkers began to focus on Long Beach Community College and California State University at Long Beach, which are both close to the center. God also helped three new couples to marry last year: Juan and Jennifer, Jeff and Abigail, and Isaiah and Lucia.

In Louisville UBF, God has been with little David, helping him to pass through chemotherapy with a bright and joyful spirit, to learn to read and write in kindergarten, and to begin TaeKwonDo. God has blessed his dad Joshua to finish his residency training and become an associate professor in the med school, and his mom to resume her graduate studies in Spanish on campus.

In Milwaukee UBF, Paul, Charles, Jeff and James take turns speaking on Sundays. After graduating from UWM God helped Alex get a job in Milwaukee. Last summer he married Brooke. After graduation Derec moved to Triton UBF. Last year new students began coming: Lawon, George and Hyunwhan. Seven co-worker families, including Cedric and Jodi, are teaching the Bible to young people.

In Minneapolis UBF, Stephen, Chuck, Spencer and Ben take turns speaking on Sundays. Nine co-workers are actively teaching the Bible to young people. Among all the Bible students, eight regularly attend the worship services. Luke finished his Ph.D., got a postdoc position at Lehigh and joined UBF there. At the Fall retreat, Aaron, Robin and Nick shared their life testimonies. 12 students attended the Christmas service.

In New Albany UBF, God has faithfully been with Joe & Youn Se and using them to graciously serve Clay with the word of God and prayer.

In New Jersey UBF, God helped David get a networking position at Rutgers. God has been growing second-gens Peter, Joseph, Joel and John as young stewards of the ministry.

In New York UBF, David mainly speaks on Sundays; David, William and others also speak on Genesis from time to time. They have adult, high school and children’s worship services separately. Columbia coworkers have their own worship services, and NYU has their own Sunday service once a month. During the summer conference eight NY second-gens were baptized. The first Friday of every month young leaders gathered for their Light House ministry. They studied 1 & 2 Samuel. Second-gens Joseph, Gloria, Sarah and Josephine prayed and served the meetings. David has faithfully led group Bible study twice a week at Queens College. God has been raising 20 young leaders, many of them second-gens, through the ministry of his word.

In North Hills UBF, God blessed Peter to finish his nurse practitioner’s degree. Mercy and Tess have been growing inwardly, and new Bible students Dennis, Donaldo and Joy became faithful. Gideon has kept up with Maki in Indonesia through email and the internet.

In Owens UBF, Chris left the ministry, but his parents Al and Kelly decided to remain, because they love Bible study in a small house church setting. God encouraged Paul through them, as well as through the prayers of his children.

In Pasadena UBF, Samuel and Anita serve the Sunday worship with music, testimony sharing and presiding. Marcel attends faithfully. He got a state government job and bought a house. Josephine passed the CA RN exam.

In Philadelphia UBF, coworkers hosted a “Bible Café” during the Spring and “Friends Night” during the Fall to reach out to campus students. New students Ricky, Daniel and Tony began coming. Jiyeon receives God’s word like a sponge. God is using Friday night group Bible studies to reach students and build a bridge with regular members.

In Pittsburg UBF, Tom, Maria and Kristin meet Saturday mornings for Bible study. Kristin studies with U Pitt students during the week, and Maria joins on Thursdays.

Raleigh UBF decided to try new things. Last year they hosted international students from France, Morocco, India, Thailand and China. They also worked with a local church pastor to have group Bible studies with college students there. And they followed up former Bible students Lauren and Alex. Heather began teaching the Bible to Rebekah in med school at Campbell U.

San Diego UBF members have been growing in the grace of God through deep John’s Gospel study. Through prayer Chester got a stable job. Nancy Grace and Daniella have also been growing.

In Seattle UBF, God helped Abraham and Sarah to get a new house five minutes from the campus, and to remodel the basement to be used for the ministry. Sarah has a few Bible students.

In Shippensburg UBF, Daniel, David and Victor take turns speaking on Sundays. God blessed Chris to have a good job, and his wife Dream to finish her education degree. John and Jesse have been sharing sincere testimonies at meetings, and God has used eight co-workers, especially Deborah, to teach the Bible to young people.

In South Jersey UBF, God used Peter to care for Edward, Robert and John, and God blessed his daughter Hannah to get a good nurse practitioner job there to help with the ministry.

In Springfield, IL UBF 22 students have been growing. Second-gens David and Esther moved from Chicago and have been a blessing. Elise returned after a 1-year mission trip to France. Mike graduated and is now an intern shepherd. They have from 40-50 students on Sundays, and Alex and Joel are leading a Tuesday student prayer meeting on campus.

In St. Louis UBF, second-gens Danny and David were baptized at Easter, then went to Turkey for a short-term mission trip. Through symposiums on the book of Daniel God sent Elynna, Liz and Da Young from Washington U and Daniel from SLU. Despite her surgery Mary studied with Grace, Kay, Margie, Haley, Melissa and Lashanda. Two second-gens entered Wash U, and two, SLU. Paul studied with Alan, Carl, David and Peter.

In Stony Brook UBF, Rebekah, despite being in her sixties, goes to campus regularly and met new students Victoria, Arletta, Niko, Erik and Matthew.

In Tampa UBF, Diego has been coming faithfully and shared his life testimony at the summer conference. In the Fall he registered UBF as a club on campus, managed the UBF website, and new students began coming, including an American from Pittsburgh named Sam and Dr. Li from China.

In Tempe UBF, David Sr., David Jr., Kirk and Daniel take turns speaking on Sundays. Students from ASU, Jason, Christina, Ruby, Esther and Charmaine, began coming.

Last year Toledo UBF members grew in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. Through the loss of many loved ones, co-workers were reminded of our living hope in heaven. And everyone, based on his grace, served the ministry sacrificially in various ways. Esther and Aiwen married. UBF hosted the first Toledo Campus Prays event, along with ten other campus ministries.

In Trenton UBF, God sent Rutgers students Lisette, Germaine and Damarys, and Mercer Community College students Jeff, Diane, Katie, Ashley, Arthur and Rafael. The students who left the ministry continued to grow and serve God elsewhere. Five second-gens are active—one is working, three are in college and one is in high school. Families gather daily for prayer and Bible reading. We pray for Aromi to recover from stomach cancer.

Last year the Triton UBF Bible club grew to an average of 15 students, and through it, several students have begun 1:1 Bible study. The older women in the ministry began to pray and study together, and it inspired the younger women to do so as well, and they began bringing their friends. The older men also gather to study and pray. They pray for their newest couple Timothy and Mary, who recently married.

Last September the U of I UBF sent Dr. Sam’s family to Princeton. Jerry took over. Friday nights they study John’s Gospel. They pray for new personal outreach to students.

In Washington UBF, nine young leaders went to the campus every Saturday and grew as Bible teachers and shepherds for the UMCP students. God also blessed them to finish remodeling their church. God granted Abraham a faculty position at Howard U. Jonah and Sarah married. Ezra has been helping with Sunday messages and as a mentor for the young disciples. Jacob studied with Abe, Stephen, Jonathan, Mark, Jonah and Daniel. Esther retired and uses her home to serve people.

In West Loop UBF last year, two new couples, Adam and Mei, and Michael and Gail, were married. Taniesha served the college student ministry; Jim and Jenny, the high school ministry; Maria Joy, relief ministry. Sarah is in Zambia with the Peace Corps. Second-gens have grown up to serve the West Loop ministry along with their parents in many practical ways.

Calgary UBF joined the Western Canada summer conference and were encouraged by God’s work in the many students who attended. They also joined a Christmas service with Edmonton and Evanston. Matthew has been meeting with a Muslim student, Ahmad. Sarah came from Korea with her children to join her husband Abraham, and now two families are serving the ministry together.

In Edmonton UBF, Noah, David and Matthew speak on Sundays. God raised Kingsley and Petra as student Bible teachers for Alek and Prie. Kingsley presides on Sundays. God has been blessing the weekly campus prayer meetings and fishing ministry. A second-gen from Mexico, Jusong, came, as did an exchange student, Anna. Other faithful students are Meris, Miso, Carmen, Kit, Yinzhou, Yixuan, Russell, Sophia and Jane. They pray to make disciples of Jesus.

In Evanston UBF, Abraham and Peter have worship services together. In the midst of many struggles to be self-supporting and legal residents, God has been helping the second-gens Peter and Petra.

In Hamilton UBF, five men take turns speaking on Sundays. James and Grace from Guelph joined the ministry. Jonathan has been studying the Bible faithfully and attending church. Among the other Bible students, a few come on Sundays—Dale, Caleb, Hajun, David, Jason and Harry. In the Fall, Harry, Noah and Deborah began attending the Friday prayer meetings.

In Humber UBF, two new young couples married, Joseph and Anna, and Joshua and Celine. Joseph, Wade and Adella are growing as Bible teachers.

In London, Ontario UBF, Isaac and John’s families are coworking in love. God is using second-gens Paulina and Anna to lead campus group Bible studies from John’s Gospel. Lydia, Sue, Pearl, Nadeana, Ephrem and Christina attended. Laird, Lingxi and Heather are faithfully studying the Bible, and students are coming on Sundays.

In Montreal UBF, the elders John, Stephen, Ernest, David and Philip pray together with Andrew for the ministry. Women leaders Melissa, Faith, Connie and Vani also work closely together, as do Elena and Monique. Through these women, other young women have been coming: Barbara, Gessica, Annie, Denise, Sandra, Hina, Sarah, Lorena, Zoe and Althea. Marcel has been growing as a leader in the ministry. Second-gen Luke also serves actively. Men coworkers study with Joshua, Bing, Rachid, Soheil and Sadais. Grace studies with Martine, Nairobi and Josie. Montreal UBF has a large teenager population, and many are praying for and serving them.

In North York UBF, five families serve the ministry at Seneca College. Students are coming, such as Manoor, Sabiana, Gad, Peter, Teresa, Anna, Winson, Josh, Laisa, Jessica and Kristeen. Amanda has been coming to church faithfully, as are Josh, Anna and Winson. Two families serve the UTSC ministry, and students Peter, Thomas, Jonathan and Sarah come to Bible study, and Sarah attends on Sundays. At the end of the year they finally bought a Bible house at the campus.

In Ottawa UBF, Emmanuel has been growing through Bible study, as are Ken, Alex, Jonathan and Sarah. Louisa is a faithful member.

In Rideau UBF, three families co-work in serving the ministry and worship on campus. Several students, Rafael, Madeleine, Xing, Fritz and Chanyoung have been studying the Bible faithfully. Maryruth prays to settle down in the ministry.

In Ryerson UBF, Charles speaks twice a month on Sundays, and other men take turns. They lovingly critique one another’s sermons, including their wives, so as to grow as messengers of God’s word. Two young men, Auguest and Frank, have studied the Bible 1:1 faithfully and have grown as disciples and co-workers.

In St. George UBF, they invited over 130 students, but not many remained. Still, there are a few: En Hua, and Lin. Sam, Sheila and Wah Paw have grown as leaders. Last year Sheila and Marhtoora married.

In Toronto UBF, Joshua speaks three times a month on Sundays, and other men take turns. Last year, Ian and Jemmie married. At their Easter service, Ian and Nicole gave messages. At their summer conference, ten students shared gracious testimonies of their faith in Jesus. In the Fall, new students Filipe and Patrick began coming. Second-gens Sara, Paulina, Rebekah and Abraham have been participating in the ministry faithfully.

In Vancouver I UBF, ten students study 1:1 weekly and attend the Sunday services. Every Friday, 6-8 of them participate in the testimony sharing meeting. Onari and Lena began teaching the Bible. Six students go with the missionaries to the campus to invite others. Last year Peter and Rebekah married.

In Vancouver II UBF, God has been with John and Anna’s family, and their son John has been growing as a compassionate shepherd for students. God has been bringing several students to study God’s word with them.

In Waterloo UBF, God helped them to establish church membership and elect three elders, Joseph, Michael and Andy, as well as three women as advisors to the ministry. God has raised leaders who faithfully serve the various parts of the ministry: Hannah Love, Michael, Joseph, Sophie, Reuben, Alicia, Kelly, Emily, Jeremiah, Natalie and Jae. Last year Clara and John, and Andrew and Rachel married. Andrew has been going through discipleship training.

In Winnipeg UBF, Paul, Sarah and their son Daniel all enrolled in the university. They registered as a student group and every Tuesday they have campus Bible reading, worship and prayer. Daphne, Edna, Michelle, Maurine, Rim and Daniel attended.

In York UBF, Aaron and Nathan have grown as faithful coworkers with the missionaries. Daniel and Peter have also been faithful prayer servants and stewards.

We only thank God for all that he has done among us. Through this brief overview we can see several trends in what God has been doing. God is working through families who love one another, support each other, pray together and share ministry responsibilities together for Jesus’ sake. In spite of all our weaknesses, sins and shortcomings, God uses us when we simply depend on his word and reach out to students with Jesus’ compassion. God works when we intentionally focus on the mission of reaching students, despite all the obstacles to it, and all our personal problems. God especially is using our second-gens as his servants among us to advance the gospel on our campuses. Let’s pray that God may continue to work in North American students’ hearts through deep 1:1 Bible studies to help them meet Jesus and grow as his committed disciples. May God renew our vision, that he would raise spiritual leaders from among college students for the future generations and the world.

Mark Vucekovich