2017 Great Lakes Region Youth Bible Camp

The Great Lakes region held our annual Youth Bible camp from June 16-18 at Missionary Peter and Ruth Yoon’s  home near East Lansing Michigan. In all 35 children attended from ages 2-18. The theme of our camp this year was “Dare to be a Daniel.” The focus of the camp was to help youth form their spiritual identity based on the life of Daniel and his friends. Our Bible studies and discussions centered around the following key questions.

  • How do you define your identity? How do you make choices?  What is the basis of decision making?

  • What is true wisdom? (1:17)

  • How would you define a faithful person?

  • What do you know about the dangers of pride?

  • What is God's sovereignty and what possible reactions occur when it comes into contact with the human heart?

Our youth ministry is growing rapidly. It is wonderful to see so many young people serving God and enjoying godly fellowship together.  Please pray for the Great Lakes region as we seek to “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” (Romans 12:12)

Enjoy camp pictures at https://www.facebook.com/toledoubf

Russell Kille