Chicago CBF Musical Program


Main Characters
Jason – Judah Stasinos
Claire – Theresa Jung
Riley – Andrew Albright
Kate – Esther Min
Emmanuel – Caleb Kim
Ash – Cesar Guzman

Secondary Characters
Tree of Knowledge – Grace Min
Eve – Hannah Albright
Adam – Joshua Ward
Serpent – Nehemiah Kim
Job – Daniel Min
Jonah – Joshua Jung

Pantomime Roles
Noah – Noah Kim
Abraham – Nehemiah Kim
Isaac – Xakery Lomahan
Angel – Elizabeth Santiago
Esther – Esther Kim
​Haman – Paul Shin
King Xerxes – Joshua Jung
Guards – Annalise Park, Daniella Kim
Messenger – Elizabeth Santiago
Sailors – Joshua Ward, Noah Kim, Daniel Min
Fish – Theresa Jung, Jane Kim
Job’s Wife – Grace Min
​Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar – Nehemiah Kim, Joshua Ward, Paul Shin


1 Life Is Good - Opener
Soloist: Theresa Jung
Scene 1

2 Life Is Good - Opener (reprise)
Scene 2

3 Ask Mickey Mac
Scene 3

4 O.T. Rap
Rappers: Daniel Min & Joshua Ward
Scene 4

5 Jonah
Actor: Joshua Jung
Scene 5

6 Good Grief!
Soloist: Samuel Shin
Scene 6

7 Real Joy
Soloist: Esther Min
Scene 7

8 Psalm 23
Soloist: Grace Min
Scene 8

9 Life Is Good
Soloist: Theresa Jung

Soprano 1
Andrew Albright
Paul Shin
Joshua Ward
​Xakery Lomahan
Melissa Garcia
Alexa Garcia
​Daniella Kim
Annalise Park
Elizabeth Santiago

Soprano 2
Grace Min
Cesar Guzman
Esther Kim
Samuel Shin
Jane Kim
Daniel Min
Theresa Jung

Judah Stasinos
Caleb Kim
Joshua Jung
Nehemiah Kim
Esther Min
Hannah Albright
Noah Kim

Artistic Team
Andrew Albright
Hannah Albright
Judah Stasinos
​Annalise Park

Special Thanks to the Parents whose continual support and prayer makes all this possible. While many tell kids to just have fun we can strive for excellence. While music education is on the decline our kids are really learning to sing. While many sit on the sidelines, our kids are learning to put their talent to work and making a double profit out of love for The Master. All this is possible because you continue to support me no matter how hard I push or how much I expect. Continually the kids want to quit and give up but then they get to the show and are proud and amazed at what they accomplished. It is my continual prayer that they may hold on to that feeling and remember what it means to discipline yourself and strive for something excellent for God’s Glory. Amen

Mission Statement The Disciples Chorus is a children's choir established to sing for the glory of God as offering servants at the UBF Children's Bible Fellowship worship service.  The choir trains children in the basics of singing, sight-reading, and music theory.

Requirements No prior musical experience or talent are required. Choir is totally open to anyone in or outside of the UBF Church.  Members should be at 1st grade level or able to prove reading competency.  Members should be ready to memorize 1 song each week.  Members will be required to learn basic musicianship, make friends and have fun!

History The Disciples Chorus was established in 2001 to teach children to sing and to serve the children's worship service. The choir has performed every week for offering without fail from its inception.  The choir started off with only 12 members-hence "disciples"-and has grown to double that and is still growing.  The choir has performed at Chicago Sunday Worship Service, Christmas Worship Service, and Friday Leaders Meeting and holds concerts twice a year.