Report on Japan Night

"Fellow Israelites, listen to this: Jesus of Nazareth was a man accredited by God to you by miracles, wonders and signs, which God did among you through him, as you yourselves know." (Acts 2:22)

UBF Chicago church hosted Japan Night on Friday evening, March 3, 2017. All the members in and near Chicago participated. Some guests came from far distances such as James & Kyunghee Suh of Korea, Isaac & Rebecca Kim of Akron and Paul & Naomi Dang of Milwaukee. Through the presentation according to the program (please add a link to the program), we remembered the work of God in Japan through the sacrifice and faith of our brothers and sisters. We not only prayed for them but also were greatly encouraged by them.

Abraham Kim welcomed everyone. He gave thanks to all who supported the event, especially Daniel J. in Japan. Ezra P. wrote a book on Japanese culture and Christianity. He presented its summary. Yohan gave a lecture on the history of UBF Japan with an emphasis on God’s miracles and signs. He was the director of UBF Japan and is now an honorary director. Mari Lopez from UBF LA church in Los Angeles translated his Japanese lecture into English. David Jun gave the history of UBF Nagasaki church with the title: a rose of Sharon (Song of Songs 2:1). He is famous for having the most children, i.e. seven children, among us. Sachiko S. shared her testimony with the title: from a hairdresser to a Bible teacher (Prov. 16:3). Samuel J. shared his testimony with the title: Everything is possible for one who believes (Mk. 9:23). Ryosuke S. shared his testimony with the title: from a carefree boy to a man of a dream (1 Th. 5:16-18). They shared in English, a tremendous effort in a short time, for the audience.

Ron Ward shared prayer topics according to those presented by Yohan K. We prayed that the Japanese Christians might increase from 1 % to 3 % of the population. We prayed that UBF Japan might spread over the 47 prefectures and send out missionaries to the 47 countries in Asia. Joe & Faith Grady prepared snacks for wonderful fellowship afterward. All the lectures will be published in the newsletters and their videos will be posted on the web site. 

Charles Kim