Mission Statement of M. Mary Cowen

Hi My name is Missionary Mary Cowen.

I came to Princeton to raise disciples of Jesus especially among women.

“So teach us to number our days that we may get a heart of wisdom. Return, O Lord! How long? Have pity on your servants! Satisfy us in the morning with your steadfast love, that we may rejoice and be glad all our days. Make us glad for as many days as you have afflicted us, and for as many years as we have seen evil. Let your work be shown to your servants, and your glorious power to their children. Let the favor of the Lord our God be upon us and establish the work of our hands upon us; yes, establish the work of our hands!” (Psalm 90:12-17)

Psalm 90 was written by Moses, the man of God. He believed in the everlasting God. We human beings live a short time on earth. We are  like sweeping flood, like a dream, like  grass that flourishes in the morning and fades away in the evening. Our life span can be 70, or 80 plus. During this time we have a lot of troubles and soon are gone. It is because of God’s wrath upon sinful mankind. 

But in Jesus Christ our Savior God teaches us wisdom of how to live meaningful life for his glory. His mercy and steadfast love are with us every morning. Our sorrow turns into joy. We can joyfully participate in his salvation work. 

I thank God who brought me to Princeton, NJ, a new mission field. I thank God that I can start to live new life of mission at the age of 60. The grace of Jesus got deeper in my life while I was serving U of I in Urbana-Champaign last 10 years. I praise God who turned all my sorrow into joy in Jesus. 

Thank God who has led me to Princeton campus mission coworking with his servants, P. Sam and M. Grace S Lee. God is raising Gems (aka global emerging missional shepherds), John Park Jr., John Nah,  Adam, Grace Chong, and Rebekah Chung as his servants.

If the Lord’s willing, I may serve his work here next five years until I become 65 years old.

I would like think of my identity, who I am before God.

1. I am a  daughter of God. I am a servant of God, a servant of Jesus.

2. I am a mother of Jeremiah, Miriam, and Peter Cowen

3. I am  a UBF missionary to Princeton, NJ. I am  a Bible teacher/Biblical Counselor  for young women in Princeton NJ.

I labor and strive so that I can do these things, 1 to 3 daily for the glory of God.

May God teach me to number my days so that I may get a heart of wisdom.

During the given time I can depend on the glorious power of the gospel and serve one- to-one Bible study and discipleship ministry in Princeton campus. 

I may pray and help my three children to grow in Jesus as the children of God, the servants of God, the servants of Lord Jesus. 

Please pray for me to have four things daily. Grace of Jesus through daily Bible reading and prayer time -5 years of planting a ministry. For this, I may work 40 hours as a Bible teacher per week coworking with M. Grace Lee and pastor Lee and core team members people - work with PBF members and then with NJ and UBF members throughout the world.

Resources: In order to  generate mission fund here, pray for me to work about 15 hours  a week and start a new company in Princeton NJ so that I can practically support God’s ministry Princeton, NJ, and  grow as a self supporting missionary.

Thank you  for your prayer  and practical support so far.

Please continue to pray for me and for the PBF.

Thank you very much!