North America Representative Members Meeting 2017

Around 70 North America Representative Members gathered together on Feb. 11, 2017. The opening message was delivered by Dr. Augustine Sohn, "Put this money to work" (Lk19:13).

We heard reports of God's work and thanked God; average world wide Sunday Worship Service number was 8,914: North America 2,116 (639 Students, US 517, Canada 122); 1,800 missionaries to 95 countries (45 new missionaries to 12 countries); 2 new countries (Egypt, Tunisia) were reached out and 6 chapters were newly planted; for over $190,000 offering was given to India new Bible center construction; Relief money near $110,000 were delivered for Syrian refugees, Ecuador (earthquake), Haiti (flood) etc altogether 11 places.

4 new members were accepted (Joseph Chun, Luke Yang, Robert Fishman and Luke Hong). New officers were elected; President: Dr. Augustine Sohh, Vice President: Jim Rarick, Recording secretary: Jim Rarick and New elders: Luke Hong (for Daniel Yang), Joseph Chun (for Elijah Park). 

Questions and answers sessions; Dr. Joseph Chung encouraged to do many 1:1 Bible studies as before; Carmen Tedeschi commented that caring even one person more than just number also should be considered.

P. Abraham shared prayer topics: Student ministry, raising emerging leaders, 2018 ISBC, sending out missionaries to 130 countries, Moscow UBF center, Short Term Mission (Daniel Yang).