Short-term Mission letter from Uganda by Courtney

I just wanted to give you a brief update on life in Uganda after two weeks here (wow, time is flying by already)!  I am all settled in and getting used to life in Uganda. It is definitely a little different than Chicago. I am really loving it here so far. The weather is hot for sure, but not humid. It but feels great during the day but makes sleeping a little uncomfortable. I am woken up every morning to the Muslim prayer at 5:30 am and go to daily bread at 6. My days consist of either going to Sanyu babies home, the Bethesda Medical Centre, campus or on medical outreach journeys. I am apart of Cornerstone fellowship here with Francis and Theresa Choi. I participate in the leader gbs on Wednesday nights where we study the book of Mark. Friday nights we have our cornerstone fellowship meeting beginning this week. This week also (today and tomorrow) about 50 medical missionaries will arrive to begin the five day medical mission journey to Hoima, a district of Uganda. I will attend this trip and serve in whatever way is useful. At the last medical outreach I took people's height and weight.

I thank God who has been growing me in daily devotion to him through daily bread and bible reading. God has been challenging me to live out his word. I pray to fish woman and begin a group or 1:1 bs beginning with a time of fellowship and dinner tomorrow night (sat). So far I have gone fishing twice last week and invited 6 people to bible study, who all said that they would come, however; none showed up. I pray to faithfully be a fisher woman for God. I am praying that God will use my unfamiliar appearance to draw people to me to lead them to Jesus. Fishing here is quite different because everyone who I have talked with much know about Genesis and creation and the gospel of Jesus. They are christian however don’t live out their faith. So I pray that God may use me to study Genesis, GKV and GCL with 6 bible students at Makerere University. Please pray for me! 

Mukama akuwe omukisa!!!! (God bless you- in lugandan)
