Canada UBF Staff Conference

The Canadian directors and staff members gathered in Kingston, Ontario, during Jan. 13-14 for the annual staff meeting.

On the evening of January 13, we studied 2 Peter 1:1-21 in groups. Then, Henry Kim gave us the message with the title, “Make Every Effort to Confirm Your Calling.” Then, we listened to the personal key verse testimonies of the directors and staff. The next morning, we studied 2 Peter 3:1-18 and listened to the message given by Andrew Christopher, “Look forward to the day of the Lord.” We continue to listen to the key verse testimonies until everybody shared their testimonies.

It was wonderful to listen to each one’s personal struggle before God and God’s gracious hands in each one’s life through their testimonies. We prayed that God might guide all of us according to the annual key verses in 2017.

At this meeting, Paul and Sarah Kim of the Winnipeg UBF were invited and officially commissioned. They were sent out to Winnipeg four years ago from the Rideau UBF in Ottawa. Paul Kim had a sense of history to reclaim the Winnipeg campuses. They have kept the ministry in spite of many practical difficulties and loneliness. We continue to pray for God’s work in the University of Manitoba and raise disciples of Jesus through Paul and Sarah Kim’s devotion.

Saturday afternoon (Jan. 14), various committees reported what God had done in 2016 and their visions and plans in 2017 briefly. Henry Kim shared his views on message preparation and sharing the responsibilities among the leaders. Praying two by two closed the meeting.

Luke Hong