United Chicago Area UBF Christmas Worship Service 2016

1. Message -  https://vimeo.com/196346919 
2. chorus 1 -  https://vimeo.com/196564210 
3. chorus 2 - https://vimeo.com/196567174 
4. special song - https://vimeo.com/196579885 
5. drama - https://vimeo.com/196669321


We give thanks and praise to God for his wonderful blessing upon the United Chicago Area UBF Christmas Worship Service 2016. I believe God’s blessing was poured out in answer to the prayer of his people and to fulfill his own good and pleasing will. God is good; God is love; God sent our mighty Savior Jesus, who is full of grace and mercy toward those who need help in these troubled times.

To prepare for this worship service, Chicago UBF held nightly prayer meetings for two weeks. These prayer meetings were organized by the Chicago campus coordinators working together in harmony. In a more creative and engaging approach than last year, we decided to have four nights of group Bible study and six nights of testimony sharing in response to the passages studied. We also decided to have snacks each night. Many sacrificial servants worked hard to provide quality snacks. For many who came to pray, these snacks took the place of their dinner, as they arrived at 6:00 p.m., after a long day at work or in school, with no time to eat, and left after 9:00 p.m. every night. Eating together made the atmosphere joyful and like that of a spiritual family. Still, it was not easy to feed them all, and I am deeply grateful to each and every person who helped to serve.

As snacks were well prepared, group Bible studies were even more well prepared. Under the guidance and diligent oversight of P. Kevin Albright, 57 Bible teachers were raised to serve the study of Job 33, Hebrews 10, and Luke 2. When the leaders were well prepared, the Bible studies were deep and graceful, though they were short. Many who participated received God’s word, testified to each other, and prayed together. The groups were assigned by numbering off at the prayer meeting. So, no one knew whose group they would be in or who the members would be until it was time to study. It was exciting, and many could have fellowship with those they don’t normally talk with. Testimonies were prayerfully prepared and inspiring. Campus coordinators and young students alike shared testimonies in a beautiful harmony. Deeply experienced servants of God, as well as dynamic young believers shared the words of God from their souls.

Moved by the Spirit of God, between 100 and 200 people prayed every night for God’s blessing on the CWS. We prayed especially for God’s glory to be revealed and for Jesus to be magnified as our Savior, Messiah, Lord, and King. We prayed to all meet Jesus personally and to renew our lives and spirits and to worship him with all our hearts, souls, minds and strength. We prayed for young college students in the Chicago area, by name, to meet Jesus and be raised as his disciples and to become spiritual leaders and missionaries to all nations. We prayed for God’s blessing to overflow in our families, communities, city, nation, world, and especially for America to be a shepherd nation and a more powerful missionary-sending nation. We prayed for P. Abraham and Sarah Kim’s mission journey, for the Korea UBF staff conference, and for UBF missionaries, especially those in Muslim countries and in Africa. We prayed for a new Bible house to be built in India. We prayed for Dr. John Jun’s health and rejoiced over his miraculous recovery. And we prayed for all the programs, especially the message.

This year’s Christmas message was delivered by Dr. Jim Rabchuk, who is now the Assistant Dean for the College of Arts and Sciences at Western Illinois University, Quad Cities Campus. Jim is one of the professor shepherds whom Dr. Samuel Lee prayed for and loved dearly. Jim took this privilege with sincere prayer and a serious attitude. He prepared a refreshing message that focused on the good news of a Savior coming to us. He emphasized that all people need salvation by using the illustration of Job. Even though Job had lived with great integrity in the eyes of men, he needed a mediator to offer a sacrifice on his behalf. Since Job needed a Savior, how much more do we. Then Jim declared that Christ has come as the perfect sacrifice offered once for all. His sacrifice is so powerful and effective that it washes away the sins of all mankind. Anyone who receives Jesus receives complete forgiveness of all their sins and is made whole and new by the grace of God. Not only so, but Jesus is also our Great High Priest, who always lives to intercede for us. We can go to him freely for mercy and grace to help us in our time of need. Today, a Savior is born to us; he is Jesus, the Messiah, the Lord. Through Jesus, God has solved our serious problems of sin and death and has destroyed the devil’s work. Now we have peace and joy and great hope in Jesus. We who have received this wonderful grace are called to share this message with all those around us.

Among those in the audience was a young Syrian Muslim girl who has just come to Chicago as a refugee. She has been studying at NEIU and was invited by Freida Reese, of Indonesia, who has been fishing regularly on campus. As this young girl student listened to the message, she heard the word “Messiah” for the first time. This intrigued her. After the worship service, she asked what “Messiah” meant. Upon hearing the Biblical explanation and being invited to learn more through Bible study, she agreed. It is a sign of God’s work among those who did not know Jesus. Many other attendants, who already believed in Jesus, were moved by the message and filled with great joy to receive Jesus newly in their hearts. One seasoned American leader said it was one of the best Christmas messages he has heard in a long time. It was a joyful, clear, creative, inspiring message. Many others, of different ages and ethnicities, agreed. We give thanks to God for blessing Dr. Jim Rabchuk’s message.

The chorus, under the skillful direction of Tim McEathron, practiced every night for two weeks after the prayer meetings. This was a united, 102-member chorus, with participants from most Chicago area UBF chapters. Chorus members offered their singing as an act of worship to the Lord, and the blessing of heaven was upon them. They sang “Shepherds Tell the News” before the message. It was so joyful that many hearts were opened. After the message, they sang, “O Come, All Ye Faithful.” It was such a powerful expression of worship to Jesus that it became like a second message. Words cannot really describe the beauty and power of the chorus. You can hear it for yourself through the Chicago UBF website. We thank God for his blessing on the united chorus.

Praise and worship was led by Joshua Perez from Triton UBF, accompanied by his friends and coworkers. It was joyful, powerful and well received. Erick Lopez presided with Spirit, wisdom and great joy. Prayer was offered by Tim Fitch, Dr. Jason Perry, and Dr. Jerry Park.

Under the guidance of Little Sarah Kim, a dramatic passage presentation was prepared and offered. Written by Mike Diaz, it was like a mini-drama on Luke 2:1-20. Short and to the point, it joyfully introduced the baby Jesus as our Savior. At the moment when the shepherds, together with Joseph and Mary, worshiped baby Jesus at the manger, time seemed to stand still. In that quiet, reverent moment we knew that God was with us and we could all join in worship.

Miss Miriam Cowen sang an inspiring solo “O Holy Night,” during the offering. Carmen Tedeschi gave a heart-felt offering prayer and P. Mark Vucekovich shared a meaningful closing prayer. Jim Rarick and the orchestra provided wonderful music, including a joyful closing rendition of “Sleigh Ride.” We thank God for blessing all programs in answer to our prayers.

This was a truly united Christmas service, with all Chicago area UBF chapters joining fully: Wright, Triton, Lincoln Park, DuPage, West Loop, IIT, Hyde Park, UI. More than 850 people attended, filling the auditorium at Regina Dominican, which has been newly renovated and now has 857 seats. The spirit of love and unity is growing among Chicago area UBF chapters as a testimony that Christ is living to the people of our times. 

We are grateful to God for the participation of the preparation committee members, including Grace Choi, Elena Ruiz, Augustine Park, Elias Kasongo, Steve Stasinos, David Won and Sam Toh. We are grateful to God for Deborah Lim and her artistic contribution in designing the invitation card, banner and programs. We are grateful to God for Joshua Min, who managed the projection of the message and the entire program, spending many hours. We are grateful to God for Matt Misurac, who took the burden of technical support, and to Birgit Pierce who oversaw registration and treasury, and to all offering servants and ushers.

We thank God for blessing us with good weather, in answer to our prayers. Though the forecast was for -14 degrees Fahrenheit, through our prayer, the temperature moved up at least 20 degrees. At the time of the CWS, the sun was shining with a special warmth, the roads were clear and everyone could travel freely to and from the worship service without incident. All thanks to our Lord and Savior Jesus!