Last Week


Jeremiah 50: 1 - 52: 34

16 Jul 2023


  1. What was the word of the LORD Jeremiah must declare? (50:1-2) How would the LORD destroy Babylon? (50:3, 9, 25, 35-38, 41-43; 51:1-2, 11, 28, 38-40, 48, 56-57)
  2. What would happen to the Israelites on that day? (50:4-5, 19-20, 34; 51:10) How did the LORD regard them? (50:6-7, 17, 51:5a) What should they do on the judgment day of Babylon? (50:8; 51:6, 45, 50)
  3. How did the LORD use Babylon? (50:23; 51:7, 20-23) Why did Babylon become the target of the LORD’s wrath and vengeance? (50:11, 14, 17, 24, 29, 31-32, 38, 51:17-18, 24, 34-35, 44, 47, 49, 52-53)
  4. What would Babylon’s condition be after LORD’s judgment? (50:39-40, 3, 51:8-9, 26, 37, 41-43) Who was Seraiah, and what did Jeremiah command him to do? (51:59-64) Think about the LORD’S plan and purposes. (50:45-46, 51:11-12, 29)
  5. What eventually happened to King Zedekiah, Jerusalem, and the temple? (52:1-27) How many people were taken to Babylon? (28-30) What occurred to Jehoiachin, and what does it symbolize? (31-34)
