Last Week


Jeremiah 34: 1 - 36: 32

11 Jun 2023


1. Read 34:1-7. What was the situation of Judah (1,7)? What message did the Lord give to King Zedekiah (2-6)? How was the word of the Lord fulfilled (52:7-13)?

2. Read 34:8-22. What did King Zedekiah and the people do in crisis (8-10)? Why was it so significant before the Lord (13-15)? But afterward, what did they do (11,16) and why (21b, 22a)? What were the consequences of it (17-22)?

3. Read 35:1-11. What instructions did the Lord give to Jeremiah (1-2)? Who were the Rechabites, and what commands did their ancestor give them (3-11)? Think about what challenges the Rechabites faced in obeying them.

4. Read 35:12-19. How did the actions of the Rechabites contrast with the behavior of the people of Judah (12-16)? What did the Lord proclaim against the people of Judah (17)? What blessing did the Lord grant to the Rechabites (18-19)?

5. Read 36:1-10. What instructions did the Lord give to Jeremiah and why (1-2)? What was the main message that would be written in the scroll (3, 29)? How did Jeremiah and Baruch demonstrate their obedience to the Lord’s command (4-10)?

6. Read 36:11-32. What were the responses of the officials (11-20) and King Jehoiakim (21-26) in hearing the words of the Lord? What were the consequences of ignoring or rejecting the words of the Lord (27-32)?
