Bible Study Materials


2 Chronicles 17: 1 - 20: 37

14 Jul 2024



2 Chronicles 17-20

  1. Read chapter 17. Why and how did the LORD bless Jehoshaphat? (1-6) What special thing did he do for his people? (7-9) What was the effect?(10-19) Think about the importance of teaching the Bible (Mt 4:4; Jn 8:32; Amos 8:11; 2Ti 4:1-5)
  2. Read chapter 18. After the great riches and honor, what did Jehoshaphat do wrong? (1; cf 2Cor 6:14-7:1) How did he help Ahab? (2-28) How did the word of the LORD come true? (29-34) Think about how Jehoshaphat ignored the word of the LORD though he emphasized on it.
  3. Read chapter 19. What would be the consequences of the marriage alliance with Ahab? (1-3) How did Jehoshaphat respond to the LORD’s rebuke? (4-11) What do you learn from his response? Why do you think he appointed God-fearing judges this time? (Ge 18:19; Amos 5:24; Jer 22:3; 33:15)
  4. Read 20:1-19 What did Jehoshaphat do in the time of crisis? (1-13) What was the LORD’s answer to his prayer? (14-17) How did Jehoshaphat and his people respond to the word of the LORD? (18,19)
  5. Read 20:20-37. How did Jehoshaphat fight in the war and why? (20-22a, 17; Eph 6:12) How did the LORD defeat the enemy? (22b,23) How did the Judeans and all the kingdoms respond? (24-28, 29-30) What does the author mention about Jehoshaphat and his people? (35-37)
