Last Week


1 Kings 17: 1 - 19: 21

06 Jan 2020



1 Kings 17-19

  1. Read 17:1-6. Who was Ahab? (16:29-33) What did God say to Ahab through Elijah (17:1) Why? (Lev 26:18-20; 1Ki 18:18) During the drought, how did God faithfully feed Elijah? (2-6) What do you learn from this incident? (Mt 6:26)
  2. Read 17:7-24. Where did God send Elijah when the brook had dried up? (7-9) In such a severe famine, how did God feed Elijah? (10-16) How did God train Elijah as a man of God? (17-24)
  3. Read 18:1-18. When did God send Elijah to Ahab? (1,2) Who was Obadiah? (3-4) How did Elijah encounter Ahab? (5-18)
  4. Read 18:19-46. How did Elijah challenge idol worship? (19-24) How did Baal respond to his servants? (25-29; Ps 115:4-8)
  5. How did Elijah prepare for the work of God? (30-35) How did God respond to Elijah’s prayer? (36-38) How did the people respond? (39) And Elijah? (40) What does this passage teach us?
  6. How did Elijah pray for rain? (41-43; James 5:17,18) How did God bless the land again? (44-46)
  7. Read 19:1-7. How did Ahab & Jezebel respond to the powerful work of God through Elijah? (19:1,2) What did Elijah do after the great victory? (3,4) How did the angel of the Lord help him? (5-7)
  8. Read 19:8-21. Where did Elijah go next and why? (8-10) How did God help Elijah to restore his mission? (11-14) What mission did God give him? (15-18) How did Elisha respond to God’s calling? (19-21)