Last Week


1 Samuel 8: 1 - 11: 15

26 Oct 2018



1 Samuel 8-11

Please watch a brief overview of 1 Samuel:

  1. Why did the elders of Israel demand a king all of sudden? (8:1-5; cf. Dt 17:14,15) How did Samuel and God felt about this demand? (6-8) What was Israel’s real motive? (7b,8)
  2. What warnings regarding human kingship did God give to Israel through Samuel? (10-18) Yet, how did they insist their demand? (19-21) Why do you think God granted their demand even though it was not right? (7,9,22)
  3. What kind of person did God choose as their king? (9:1,2) Why do you think God chose him? (21; 10:21b-24,27) How did God lead him to Samuel? (3-26)
  4. How did Samuel anoint Saul and what was God’s message? (9:27-10:1a) What signs will God show him as confirmation? (10:1b-6) How did they come true? (9-13) What was he commanded to do next? (7,8) What do verses 14-16 tell us about him?
  5. How did God choose Saul as a king before all people at Mizpah? (17-24) How did the people respond to Saul’s kingship?(24b-27) What personalities of Saul are seen here? (22,27)
  6. In what ways did God test Saul’s leadership and what were the people’s initial reaction? (11:1-11) How did people’s view of Saul’s kingship change? (12-15) Write down what you think about his leadership & God’s kingship over your life. (6,7,9,11,13)