Bible Study Materials


Luke 9: 1 - 62

11 Sep 2022



1. What did Jesus send the Twelve to do, and how did he equip them (1-2)? What specific instructions did Jesus give (3-5)? What was the result of their ministry (6-9)?

2. How did Jesus feed people with the five loaves and two fish (10-17)? How can you “give them something to eat”?

3. What were the two questions of Jesus to the disciples and their answers (18-20)? Why was Peter’s answer significant (Ro 10:9,10)? What is the way Christ and his followers go through (21-23,26), and its purpose (24,25)?

4. What happened on the mountain, and what was the message from God (28-36)? What was going on under the mountain then (37-40)? What was the main problem for the disciples and people (41)?

5. While people were amazed by Jesus’ authority over the unclean spirit, what did Jesus say to the disciples (42-45)? What argument arose among the disciples, and what was Jesus’ answer to it (46-48)?

6. What was John’s report and Jesus’ answer to him (49,50)? What decision was Jesus make when the days to be taken up drew near for him (51)? Why did Jesus rebuke James and John (52-26)? Who is fit in the kingdom of God (57-62)?