Bible Study Materials

New heavens and a new earth

Isaiah 65: 1 - 66: 24

17 Jul 2022


New heavens and a new earth

Isaiah 65,66

  1. Read 65:1-9. How did the Lord summarize the relationship between him and his people? (65:1,2a) Why do the chosen people face the repayment of the Lord? (2b-7) Who will remain among them? (8,9)
  2. Read 65:10-16. What blessings and curses will be to the servants of the Lord and the rebellious people? (10-15) By whom will they bless and swear? (16)
  3. Read 65:17-25. What will the Lord create? (17a) How will the former things be? (17b) How will life be in new heavens and a new earth? (18-25)
  4. Read 66:1-17. How was the Israelites’ spiritual condition worshipping the Lord? (1-6) But, whom does the Lord look? (2b) What kind of blessing will be given to those who love Jerusalem? (7-14) What is the Lord’s message to those who serve idols? (15-17)
  5. Read 66:18-24. When the time comes, what will the Lord do with survivors? (18-20) What new things will the Lord do with the Gentiles? (21) What are the two final destinations of the people when new heavens and a new earth come? (22-24)