UBF News

Canada UBF Fall Discipleship Workshop on August 29th, 2015

Aug 31, 2015

  Discipleship Manual: It has the following 6 topics. 1.  Who is a disciple? 2.  Calling—Finding a New Life Direction 3.  The Purpose of Being with(...)


New York UBF SBC

Aug 26, 2015

New York UBF had their Summer Bible Conference at New Jersey United Christian Academy last weekend (Aug.14-16). The conference title was "Come To Me!" (Mt. 11:29-31). F(...)


UIC student conference, Chicago UBF

Aug 21, 2015

Thank God for blessing our UIC student conference in Milwaukee on Augus t 14-15.  29 students came to the conference including four students from Milwaukee UBF. Two staff(...)


An Update on M. Timothy Park, Canada

Aug 12, 2015

M. Timothy is doing fine and going once or twice a week to the hospital for a regular checkup. He confessed that June 29, the date of his bone marrow transplant (BMT) will be(...)


A new missionary family was established and sent to Edmonton...

Aug 11, 2015

On July 18, 2015, God established a blessed missionary family between M. Matthew Sohn & Deborah Chang with the blessings of many co-workers as a missionary family to Edmonton C(...)


CME Report from NJ UBF

Aug 10, 2015

1:1 Fishing and Campus Mission  I thank God for sending Missionary David Kim from Indianapolis to New Jersey for CME ministry and for restoring our spirituality of the(...)


Mid-Atlantic Summer Conference Report

Aug 05, 2015

Thank you for your prayers for the Mid-Atlantic Summer Bible Conference. Praise God for His Kingdom that has come near! It is His amazing grace that brings us, over 200 peop(...)


MIDWEST/MISSOURI VALLEY UBF Regional Conference Report

Jul 23, 2015

JESUS SAID, “FOLLOW ME” The Midwest and Missouri Valley Region UBF chapters held a joint summer Bible conference with the theme, “Jesus said, ‘Follow Me’” from July 16-19 at(...)


P. John Kwon's (LA UBF) mother went to heaven on 7/19/15

Jul 22, 2015

P. John Kwon's mother went to heaven in peace without any pain to be with the Lord last Sunday night around 9:30 p.m. in Garden Grove hospital. She was 87 years old and a devoted b(...)


2015 Canadian Summer Bible Conference Report

Jul 21, 2015

Key Verse Hebrews 11:6 “And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek h(...)


2nd Gen Education Conference was held in Korea

Jul 10, 2015

On June 30-July 3, the 2nd Gen education conference was held. The participants were Timothy Safos (NY, USA), Esther Yun (Atlanta, USA), J* Kim (Q), Vision Kim (Zambia), Ja(...)
