UBF News

David Choo Update

Oct 26, 2015

David Choo, the son of Joshua and Graciela (Louisville) has almost finished the half part of delayed intensification without complication and infection. He needs to pray to finish(...)


Leadership Development Workshop II

Oct 15, 2015

Leadership Development Workshop II The UBF Education Committee is hosting a Leadership Development Workshop (LDW) in Chicago from November 5-7, 2015. The subject is disciple(...)


Leibins & Diana Rivas' Beautiful Wedding

Oct 08, 2015

On Saturday, October 3, 2015 we could witness God's mysterious and beautiful work of making two people, Diana Guzman and Leibins Rivas, one. They come from different continen(...)


Late Dr. Samuel Lee’s Memorial Service Report

Oct 07, 2015

Key Verse : Exo 19:6, “…you will be for me a kingdom of priests and a holy nation.” We held Dr. Samuel Lee’s 3rd Annual Memorial Service at a chapel in the Ridgewood Cemeter(...)


Tampa UBF had their Pioneering Sunday Worship Service

Oct 01, 2015

On Sep.27, 2015, Tampa UBF had their first campus Sunday worship service at the University of South Florida. For several months, M.David & Praise Cho had the(...)


Missionary David Kim's Health Update, Tempe UBF, US

Sep 30, 2015

It's been 3 months since I wrote about my journey of fighting cancer. I believe you are in good health and continue to lead our church by the Holy Spirit. I just want to update wha(...)


Milwaukee UBF Fall Student Ministry

Sep 29, 2015

After two days of freshman welcoming, UWM began classes on Wednesday September 3. Thank God for many coworkers who could go fishing the first 4 weeks of school. Thank God for s(...)


LA UBF Summer Bible Conference, 2015

Sep 18, 2015

WALK BEFORE ME From September 28-30, LA UBF gathered for a Summer Bible Conference at Pinecrest Christian Conference Center in Twin Peaks, CA.  A total of 107 attendant(...)


Canada UBF Labor Day Discipleship Workshop

Sep 16, 2015

“FOLLOW ME” John 21:19b “Then Jesus said, `Follow me.’” On August 29,150 leaders in our UBF ministry from Ontario, Ottawa and Montreal gathered for a workshop on dis(...)


Chicago UBF held a House Church Symposium

Sep 11, 2015

On September 4, Chicago UBF held a house church symposium at the Friday Leaders’ Meeting with around 300 attendants.  During four weeks, Chicago elders deliv(...)


The first prayer meeting for teachers, Chicago UBF

Sep 09, 2015

Chicago UBF peer group prayer meeting among teachers (Chicago UBF has around 27 teachers) The first prayer meeting for teachers of Chicago UBF was held on Saturday 8/29 from(...)


Chicago CBF Summer Bible Conference 2015

Sep 03, 2015

On August 10-12 CBF had a Summer Bible Conference in Shipshewana, Indiana at the Brethren Retreat Center. Thirty-seven children and twenty-two adults attended and the conferenc(...)
