UBF News

Teacher and Parent Education at St. Louis

Dec 01, 2015

In October 23-25, M. Isaac and Rebecca Choi (Chicago) visited St. Louis UBF and gave three presentations (one for teachers and two for parents) followed by questions and answer(...)


CME Ministry of Dr. Mark Yang to Canada

Nov 28, 2015

On November 13, Dr. Mark Yang and M. Anna Yang visited Hamilton UBF in Canada. On Saturday, November 14, they held a thematic study of Titus, as well as presentation of two boo(...)


Washington UBF Harvest Festival & 40th Anniversary Celebrati...

Nov 25, 2015

HARVEST FESTIVAL 2015-FOCUSING ON CELBRATION OF 40 YEAR WASHINGTON UBF PIONEERING WORK (1975-2015) Washington UBF celebrated 40 years of enduring pioneering work N(...)


KIMNET Conference Report

Nov 20, 2015

We held the 8th International Prayer Conference for All Nations with the topic of “Nations for our Lord Jesus! (Matthew 28:9)” at the Grace Korean Church in LA, CA. This confer(...)


Teacher and Parent Education at Denver, Colorado

Nov 18, 2015

In October 20-21 we visited Denver UBF for the purpose of T&PE. We gave three lectures (two for parents and one for teachers) followed by questions and answers each session(...)


GTA UBF coworkers had a special Bible Study with Dr. Mark an...

Nov 17, 2015

“He must hold firmly to the trustworthy message as it has been taught, so that he can encourage others by sound doctrine and refute those who oppose it.” (Titus 1:9)   (...)


Leadership Development Workshop 2015

Nov 13, 2015

The Leadership Development Workshop 2015 was held in Chicago from November 5-7, 2015. Through the prayer of many brothers and sisters throughout the world, God blessed this wor(...)


M. David Kim's Thanksgiving Letter, Tempe, Arizona

Nov 09, 2015

Greetings in Jesus grace & love. As you know my liver transplant surgery underwent successfully and I got a new liver and new life. Even if it took long time about 6 hours,(...)


Washington UBF Harvest Festival & 40th Anniversary Celebrati...

Nov 05, 2015

Greetings! I would like to invite you to our 2015 Harvest Festival and 40th Anniversary of Washington UBF as follows: Date: November 6-8 2015 Place: Washington UBF Bible(...)


Teacher and Parent Education at UMKC

Nov 03, 2015

In October 16-18 M. Isaac and Rebecca Choi (Chicago) visited the Univ. of Missouri at Kansas City UBF for the purpose of T&PE. We gave three lectures (two for parents and o(...)


M. David Kim in Tempe Arizona miraculously had liver transplant surgery!

Oct 30, 2015

M. David Kim in Tempe Arizona miraculously had liver transplant surgery today (Oct 29, 2015). It was successful and now he was transferred to the ICU. Please pray for him n(...)


Medical Trip to NK by Dr. Paul Koh

Oct 29, 2015

Luke 4;43, “But he said, ‘I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to the other towns, too because that is why I was sent.’” I just returned to Chicago after 1 we(...)
