Louisville UBF Christmas News, Kentucky

“But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.  Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord.’” (Luke 2:10-11)

Merry Christmas!

A Savior in a manger was born in our hearts on December 14th, in Louisville, Kentucky. A tiny little baby, Jesus, brought such deep peace and power when we studied about the good news of great joy.

We shared this good news of great joy with Shaina (Spanish, U of L), Sandra (French, U of L), and Louie (Accounting, Bellarmine University) who came to the worship service several times during the school year.

We held our worship services during school year on the campus in order to plant the seed of prayer but this time we opened our house in order to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. We had a fun time during our group Bible study. Dr. Josh’s message planted the hope of knowing Jesus who solved our fundamental problem of sin.  Louie who is new to Christ and Christianity asked fresh questions and learned to pray to Jesus. Shaina co-worked to make a beautiful environment. Sandra looked very joyful. We enjoyed delicious food.

We praise Jesus who is our Savior. We praise Jesus who came to meet campus students from University of Louisville and Bellarmine University with his humble and gracious presence. We praise Jesus for his great sacrifice and love for each one of us.

We pray so that this Jesus may be the life-giving seed for the campus students of Louisville, Kentucky and North America.