Merry Christmas from Columbus UBF!

Thank God for blessing the 2014 Christmas worship service on December 7 at the Ohio Union, Ohio State University with 40 attendants, including precious guests from Akron and Toledo.

The theme was “The Word became flesh,” based on John   1:14. We thought about Jesus’ incarnational love toward his disciples and us.  With his incarnational love Jesus understands us, bears with all our weaknesses, still loves us and raises us in hope to become great servants of God and heirs of his eternal kingdom.

God helped the students to participate wholeheartedly, though it was right before their final exams. They served the praise and worship, played a base and a piano, sang special songs and performed a wonderful skit. Afterward, we had a joyful Christmas lunch at the Bible house. A Christmas offering was collected and sent for the construction of the Bible house in South Sudan. We wish you all to have merry Christmas and a happy new year!