Hallelujah Light Festival 2014: Jesus is Lord of All

Celebrating Jesus our Messiah during this harvest time is such a blessing.  When popular culture strongly influences our youth to dress up as ghosts and goblins, I can only thank God that our CBF/BBF children have the option of celebrating Jesus instead.  For the last seven years, we have been encouraging our young children to remember Jesus and dwell in the light of our Lord Jesus by providing a safe environment where they can invite their friends to hear God’s truth, have fun, and receive the gift of God’s word.  Moreover, like any child wants, candies and chocolate treats abound during our festival.

As such, this year we have been blessed with the best weather ever.  We had a clear day where the children enjoyed the outdoors and bounced house prior to the worship service.   Sh Lito Lomahan graced us with a short yet powerful message saying we must trust in the Lord Jesus and that He is Lord of all.  He shared with our kids that to trust Jesus means we must completely surrender all to Jesus.  And to surrender all to Jesus means we must give our hearts, our soul, our mind and our strength to Jesus who is Lord of all.

Our worship of Jesus was followed by games and activities.  Games that showcase Jesus our Lord were hosted by each class. Both CBF teachers and class members worked hard on their poster to highlight Jesus as Lord of all.   This year, we had new events like the cotton candy concession stand and balloon station.  Together with ten CBF game stations and 8 BBF game stations, the Hallelujah Light Festival was full of life and hope for the youth of our future. 

My heart yields to Jesus, praising Him who provided all things necessary to make our event successful.  Volunteers from HBF, CBF and BBF parents, and CBF alumni came with joyful hearts to serve our children from setup to cleanup.  With all the willing open hands, our event was full of grace and blessings.   Praise Jesus.  I just pray that God may continue to lead CBF ministry in events that glorify His name.  May God bless Msn Isaac Choi and Sh Tim McEathron with vision that can raise our children to become faithful followers of our Lord Jesus.  May Jesus continue to be Lord over CBF ministry until the day we see Him face to face.  Amen.