Greetings from M. David Kim, Tempe

Greetings in Jesus' Grace!!

By God's help we got back from Korea safely. We were ordinary people but we were treated extraordinarily in Korea especially from Anam UBF families. When we got back home, we felt as if we had fallen from heaven into a reality of suffering in our journey against cruel cancer. Ruth and I were somewhat anxious because of many tests that were waiting. But I got the result of all tests including CT & EGD yesterday, and everything was negative, particularly no growth of cancer. Dr. Wong is going to do a routine check-up every month on lap & every 3 months on imaging. You can imagine how Ruth & I feel as I continue to try to live a life of normalcy. My diagnosis is helpless but not hopeless in Jesus, our Lord who is Mighty God. My energy level is pretty good during the day but I’m tired at night. We try hard to do exercise as much as we can. Ruth and I realize that God may lead us to a place where we are helpless in our own strength, but never to a place where we are without help. As always, we truly appreciate your prayers & support!! May God's abundant grace be with you, your family & ministry!!

Your debtors,

Ruth & David Kim