P. Abraham Kim Visited North Carolina Chapters


Matthew 6:33 ​"But above all pursue his kingdom and righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."

I thank God for Jesus – God’s Son who has created our new destiny, that is, our eternal life in God’s eternal kingdom! For this, I want to participate in advancing His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. 

On November 1-3, Dr. Abraham T. Kim and Sarah Kim visited the 3 chapters in NC: UNC-Chapel Hill UBF, Wilmington UBF, and Raleigh UBF. He led Group Bible Studies chapter by chapter based on Acts 28:19-31; we were encouraged to have faith in the salvation power of the Gospel and the strength of the word of God. Indeed, the word of God is advancing, unhindered. 

On November 2, we had a United Worship Service, hosted by Chapel Hill UBF; through Dr. Kim’s message we were inspired to seek first God's kingdom and his righteousness by faith in God's everlasting love and providence based on Matthew 6:16-33. His personal testimony helped student leaders to take hold of Matthew 6:33. 

Right before their visit, Austin (our current student president) invited Chris (his roommate) to start one to one Bible study and Biblical Greek study with me. It was truly the fruit of the Holy Spirit who has been advancing His kingdom in the hearts of young intellectuals in NC. I thank God for Dr. Kim and his sincere prayer for discipleship ministry in NC. 

Through Dr. Kim's visit, God's burning heart for young intellectuals was re-ignited in my heart, renewing God’s calling to dedicate my life to disciple-making ministry among intellectuals in North America. 

Prayer topics are as follows: 

  1. Dr. Isaac and Mary Baek (Wilmington UBF): pray that their family may restore their zeal for God's mission, and that they may move to another mission field in God’s time. 
  2. Dr. Andrew and Heather Dellinger (Raleigh UBF): pray that they may remain faithful to God’s calling to campus mission at North Carolina State University. 
  3. The members of UNC-Chapel Hill UBF are committed to the study of Biblical languages (Biblical Greek and Hebrew) under the tutelage of M. Stephen Seo. Please pray that those growing disciples may be well equipped to dig out God’s words from the Bible in its original languages in the near future. 


Stephen Seo, UNC-Chapel Hill UBF