Leadership Development Workshop Report

A Leadership Development Workshop was held in Chicago October 22-25, 2014 with the theme, “Discipleship,” primarily based on Matthew 28:18-20 and Mark 3:13-14. This workshop and its theme were suggested by P. Abraham Kim in light of his prayer topic to enhance discipleship throughout North America, and was positively embraced by the Education Committee. About 25 senior leaders from throughout North America participated.

One significant aspect of this workshop was the effort of senior disciple makers to work together. Rather than preparing many lectures, we decided to divide into teams of 3 or 4 persons and each team was given a topic related to discipleship. The topics were: “Who is a disciple?” “Calling,” “The meaning and purpose of being with Jesus,” “Being with Jesus through his word,” “Being with Jesus through prayer and worship,” and “Costs and blessings of discipleship.” Leaders met as often as possible in September and October in their small groups. Each team prepared a presentation based on their topic and shared it at the workshop. Afterward the presentation and topic were discussed by all members present, who suggested revisions. These discussion times were rich with Biblical truth and real illustrations and testimonies of those who have engaged in raising disciples in North America for many years. The Education Committee is deeply grateful to those who participated, sacrificing their time and making a great effort to participate. We are also grateful to all the brothers and sisters in Chicago UBF who supported this workshop sacrificially, including Elijah Park, Faith Grady and Sarah Kim.

This workshop is intended to extend for three years. The first year’s program was entitled, “Follow Me I: Calling and Commitment.” The second year’s program is entitled, “Follow Me II: Living a Christ-Centered Life,” and the third year’s program is entitled, “Making Disciples.” It is the goal of the Education Committee to glean the best of what is shared in this workshop over the next three years and to produce a written work that can be used as a guide or manual for raising disciples. Intermittent publications will also be done. We earnestly pray to obey our Lord’s world mission command to “go and make disciples of all nations.”