Springfield UBF News

But seek first the kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be added on to you as well.  Matthew 6:33

Today we were blessed to have Pastor Abraham T. Kim visit our ministry at Springfield UBF.  He spoke on Matthew 6:33 and to seek first God’s kingdom.  It was a very inspiring testimonial message and many of our students could relate to it.  Especially since the majority of our members are students, they are seeking God’s providence in their lives.  Our ministry’s goal and prayer topics are to raise disciples and to help students to put God & his mission first in their lives.  Leaders who have been growing are Alex Foster, Victoria Foster, Mike Jones, Nirosh De Silva, and Elise.  Alex works full time, takes a night class and recently had one son, Vladislav.  So he is very busy but is still struggling to put God first in his life.  He is a very faithful man and diligent serving God’s word on Sundays with me as well as leading worship.  His wife, Victoria, just moved here from Moscow UBF and is learning to master English and get her green card.  Mike Jones is a senior and works 2 jobs and is our most mature student leader.  He is graduating this year and we’re praying he stays for graduate school and to keep serving UBF here in Springfield.  Also Nirosh is a missionary to America from Sri Lanka and has been helping us with the ministry as well.  We are praying for his green card and to marry in the spring to a wonderful woman of God, Carrie.  Also Elise is a precious woman of God who graduated last year from the journalism graduate program.  She could have left after graduation but continues to serve our ministry.  We are praying for her marriage and that God will give her the best man of God he has prepared for her in advance.

Please also pray for me as I have been dealing with struggles at work.  I have been told by my boss to focus less on ministry and more at my job.  At times I was also tempted to leave Springfield and go back to Chicago or another nicer city.  But because of the ministry Becky & I have been staying.   We pray that we can stay a long time, raise disciples native to Springfield and to help our young people to seek 1st God’s kingdom.