Evanston & Winnipeg UBF had a Canadian Thanksgiving Joint Sunday Worship Service, Canada

By God's grace and guidance, Evanston UBF and Winnipeg UM ministries had a Canadian Thanksgiving Joint Sunday Worship Service at Evanston UBF, Calgary on Oct. 12, 2014.

At Msn. Abraham Lee's request, Msn. Paul Kim prepared and served the message based on Habakkuk 3 and Hebrews 11.  Please pray for Evanston UBF to raise up one Abraham and one Sarah of faith and for Peter Lee (Msn. Abraham and Sarah Lee's son, 23 year old) to be raised as a future spiritual leader for Canadian campus ministry. (Petra Lee (daughter) is at Edmonton UBF attending Univ. of Alberta).

My family drove 3020 Km, a 32 hour round trip from Winnipeg to Calgary with God's protection.

Thank God for your prayer support!

M. Paul Kim, Winnipeg